Chapter 58

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Emma's pov
I have no clue where anyone is. I walk to ria's room. I knock on her door. "Come in" she says. I open the door. "Ria where is luke and Harry?" I ask her. "They went to nicks house" she tells me. "Oh lord" I say. "Ria we need to go get them" I say quickly. "What why" she says with a confuse look. "They could be in trouble"I say. Ria. "Well why don't we go" she says

Ria's POV:

I speed down through the house and into the garage where the car is parked. I can see that Paul is giving me a curious look and he yells at me, asking me where we're going. I don't tell him where we're going. I just tell him we'll be back in a little while.

After Emma and I are buckled in, we drive off towards Nick's house. It isn't that far away but it seems like forever. At the red-lights my fingers tap on the steering wheel as I am anxious to see what is happening. I can tell that Emma is thinking about Luke and Harry because she is crying. I don't want to see her cry like this. I've only known her for a while but she's really close to me.

We eventually reach Nick's place and I see Harry's car parked outside. We quickly get out of the car after I've parked it and follow the pathway up to the front door. Emma quickly knocks on the door but it just opens. Strange. We're not under suspicion for that long. Right there in the hallway, we see Luke and Harry, with Harry constantly staring at this one picture and Luke trying to talk to him and tell him to move so that they can get out of here. I can tell that Harry isn't hearing any of what Luke is saying.

Emma runs up to give Luke a hug and they have their little moment whilst I try to get Harry to stop.

"Harry!" I plead with him but he doesn't listen.

"Baby, please. We need to get out of here" I say as I tap on his shoulders. However he does not budge. I think of what to do. Why isn't he moving? I then get an idea. I get in the tight space in between Harry and the photograph and then wrap my arms around his neck to give him a kiss on the lips. It's as if he melts. He suddenly looks at me and kisses me back.

"I'm glad you're okay baby" I tell him and he just wraps his arms around me, pulling me into a hug.

"I love you" He says in between the kiss. We soon pull apart and we ask Harry why he was staring at the photograph. We are all looking at him intently as we await an answer.

"You see Henry. That kid. He used to be my childhood best friend. I remember all the things we did together, we were very close. Some people even mistook us for being brothers. It was all going fine until one day I just never saw Henry again. He stopped turning up to school. We even tried calling him but nothing happened. My mum and I even went to check what happened by going to his house but the neighbours said that the whole family just suddenly packed up and moved away a couple of days ago. I never heard from Henry again." He's crying by the end of it and I can't help but feel sad for him.

By this time we're all trying comfort Harry so nobody is paying attention to the surroundings. That is when it all starts going down hill again.

I'm about to move to give Harry a hug but I feel someone grab my waist and pull me in towards them as well as put something sharp to my throat. A knife. I scream and they all turn around and gasp, with Harry beginning to cry.

"Well well well what do we have here?" Nick evilly chuckles. Luke puts a protective arm around Emma's waist and I can see Harry's fists clench. On the inside I feel like I'm going to puke. I am so close to death right here. One wrong move and it all could be over. Suddenly, Harry charges towards Nick but Nick only steps back, dragging me along with him and also pressing the blade further into my neck so that some blood drips. It's not enough to kill me but it hurts... a lot.

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