Chapter 20

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Harrys pov

My heart shattered. I felt like my life was empty, Emma wasn't beside me. I missed my angel. Luke must have missed her more than me. Body guards surrounded us, I was squished at times. flashes of lights everywhere from Cameras. I couldn't feel my eyes. we boarded the plane for Ireland. Niall said he'd be at the airport waiting for us. I took the seat by the window. Liam sat beside me. As the plane took off for air. As usually my stomach felt ill (sick). I looked over at the other Row Luke looked glum. anyhow my eyes were focused out the window. I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked over. I had a smiling Liam.

" Harry you miss her don't you?" he asked

" You got the right mate" I said

" Ha aren't I always right" he explained

The flight from England to Ireland is about 3 hours. The speakers came on with a voice of a girl who said the plane will be landing momentarily. I unbuckled my seat belt. I got up. Liam took his own sweet time. I yelled at him for no good reason. I walked out. the blazing sun caught my eyes. I walked out of the plane in to the building. Many fans were outside the airport. Niall was waiting inside. we all hugged him. the body guards, surrounded us once again. many fans had left. we all got in to the car.

Luke's POV

I found wifi somewhere. I opened Skype. I clicked on Emma's profile and called her. the phone rang. she must of picked.

" Hello" she groaned

" Hi babe" I said

" Lukey hey sorry I was sleeping" she said in a low voice

"Awe Im so sorry Emma I didn't mean to wake you" I said

"No it's ok, I'm just happy I get to hear your voice again" she said I a happy tone.

" And I'm happy to hear your voice also" I said

" Luke you know I have to go to school tomorrow I skipped today" she said

" I know, the rest of the boys say hi" I said

"Ok tell him I said hi, I've gotta go Luke I love you so much" she said

" Ok babe I love you to" I said

I hung up. my head fell to the floor. I missed her so much. she meant everything to me. We entered the car. we got to the concert place we were performing at. the boys went over to nialls house, we went inside the venue. it was amazing in there. We did a sound check. we sang try hard. we came of the stage. I pulled out my phone and texted Emma, as usually the other boys would be on Instagram twitter keek.

" Say hi Luke" Ashton said

He was keeking

" Hi" I said

"He misses Emma to much" Calum said

My face turned pink. I blushed

" Just look at his face" he added

I got a text back from Emma

"Luke we need to talk now"she said

What does she mean by that.

I started typing



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