Chapter 51

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Emma's pov
"Um sure" I say with a half smile. "But where" I ask luke says nothing he holds my hands and walks outside. I hear some fans scream EMKE. no fans knew about our break up. Luke smiles bravely and so do I. We walk in to a car together. Luke opens the door for me and I get in. It's just us two.
Luke's POV
I look in to Emma's eyes they are all red. Has she been crying way to much. "Look Emma, without you I'm nothing. I've been a mess, I can't live without you I need you in my life. I love you with all my heart Emma styles please take me back. I understand if you have moved on from me but I have not moved on from you" I say I try holding my tears in. "Luke I love you too, my life has gone down hill. Luke I will never move on from you. You are my one and only." Emma says. I see tears fall from her eyes. I wipe them away. I lead her in for a hug. "I love you Emma" I says looking down at her. "I love you luke" she says looking up at me
Emma's pov
I notice that my cuts are noticeable. I quickly move my arm from luke. He looks at me. "Emma" he says "yes" I answer. He says nothing. He pulls my arm towards him. He rolls my selves up. It looked like he was about to cry. "I missed you" I say in a small voice. As we entered the venue. Fans banged on the windows. As they saw unhappy look on our faces they stopped. As the guards came by the door. They waved at us. Luke opened the door and held his hand out for me to hold. He takes my hand in to his closes my hand in to his. We smiled and waved at the fans. We walked in. Everyone in aw. "You're back together" Paul says in excitement. We smile and luke nods his head. Harry walked passed us he shoots us a smile. We both smile back. Ashton shots us a dirty look. Well he's the one that broke us up. Luke and I walk to the stage and sit on the edge. "This is a huge place" he says "I know" I say. I lay my head on his shoulder. "Why did we ever break up Emma?" "I thought it was Ashton's fault." I say in anger. "Babe don't worry I'll deal with him" Luke says. We both walked backstage and in to Their dressing room. I waited for 5sos to finishes with their sound check. I stood by the stage. Someone tapped me on the shoulder. "Hey Emma" Harry says "hey dad" I saw with a smile. "You and luke are back together" he says
"Yes" I say "I'm happy you two are back together, just make sure he doesn't break that special heart of yours" Harry says to me. I smile at what he says. Lou gives me lux. "Emma do you mind keeping lux busy?" She asked me. "Sure I don't mind" I say with a smile. I bend down and look at lux. "What do you want to do Hun?" I ask "play" she says "what do you want to play?" I ask her. "With luke" she says "but luke is on stage now" I say with a smile. "You two are in love" she says I smile "yes yes we are" I say. I smile back at lux. I pick her up and take her to the dressing room. I pick up Luke's guitar and started strumming. Luke taught me the cords for gotta get out. Lux looked up at me "play" she said. I stated playing the cords to gotta get out
I've tried my best to update from my phone so enjoy this update thank you for reading 50k holy balls thank you. Please comment. I love you

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