Chapter 32

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Harry's pov

I wanted to find out who this "John" kid was. He hurt my little girl. Emma wasn't aloud to go to school for a week. They were "investigating" in the school. I got a call from the school, asking me to come in.

"Guys I'm going i'll be back in about an hour" I told Emma and Luke

"Ok dad" Emma said

"Bye guys" I said

"Bye" the both said

I walked to the car, I started it up.

*at the school*

"Mr.Styles I'm glad you came" the principle said

"Oh what's the matter?" I asked

"Come in to my office" she told me

I followed her in to her office.

"By the way I'm mrs. Nicole Pearson, you may call me Nicole" she told me

"Please take a seat mr.styles" she added

I took a seat.

"So what's wrong?" I questioned her

"Your daughter sir" she told me

"What's wrong with my daughter?" I asked

"It's about John" she told me

"John that guy who hit her?" I asked

"Yes" she told me

"So" I said

"Emma needs to go to another school it's not safe for her here." she told me

"What school do I need to take her to" I asked

"I'm not so sure right now" she told me

"Emma is not allowed to come to school here anymore" she told me

"What why?" I asked

"Mr.Styles, Emma told John to hit her on purpose, she wanted to die" she told me

"Huh I don't believe" I said while I slid back on the chair.

"I have the letter" she said as he gave me the folded paper.

I opened it, it was hand written. i folded the paper and pushed it in to my pocket. I just left the office. I started my car and rushed back home

Emma's pov

I heard Harry's car pull up to the drive way, door opened loudly.


"Yes" I said

"COME HERE" Harry said as he screamed at me once again

I got up off the sofa and walked toward Harry I started tearing up a bit.

"Emma did you make John kill you?" he asked me

"No" I said

"I was at you school and the principle gave me a paper that you told John to kill you because you didn't want to live anymore" he told me

"Harry, no I didn't why would I do it! I love you and this family" I said

"Honey look at the letter" Harry told me

I took the paper from him. I opened it. this is not my hand writing.

"Dad that's not my hand writing" I explained

"Really?" Harry asked

"Yes dad I'm not a sloppy writer, and this is dated, this Letter was dated when I came out of the hospital" I explained to Harry.

"Oh my Emma I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to scream at you" Harry told me

Harry opened his arms, I ran in to them. he lead me in to a tight hug.

"It's ok dad" I said

He kissed me forehead.

Luke came downstairs and wanted to know what happened and Harry and I explained to him.

"Dad" I said

"Yeah baby cakes" Harry answered me softly

"I'm I still able to go to school?" I asked

"No baby, they aren't letting you go back. ms.Pearson said your not allowed, I have to find you another school" he told me

"Guys were back" Gemma said

"Emma what's wrong" Anne questioned me

Harry Luke and I explained the whole thing

"Love, why don't you show me the paper?" Anne asked me

I gave it go her. her mouth made an O shape. she gave it to Gemma, she also made a O face.

"Emma should we call the police" Gemma questioned me

I looked at Harry

"Lets give it a day to sink in guy" Harry said

"Alright Harry" Anne said

Luke's pov

I stood outside once again, Emma came with me. I wrapped my Arms around her.

"Babe" I said

"Yeah Luke" she answered

"Why do you think someone would do that?" I asked her

"Luke I'm not sure, people just wanted me dead so yeah" she told me

"Baby no one hates you" I told her

"You sure Luke?" she asked

" I love you" I told her

"Luke I love you too" she said

"Emma are you cold?" I asked her

"Yes" she said

I took of my coat and placed It around her shoulders. I still kept my arms around her,

"Emma why don't you go up to bed, ill be there soon" I told her

"Ok Luke" She said

I kissed the top of her forehead Emma walked back in side.

I have an idea. an idea about John


Hello OMG I love you all so much!! Please take some time and comment ~Emmy

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