chapter 70

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Emma's POV

I get up from the sofa and exit the dressing room, as i walk out i find henry talking with Paul. "Hey Emma" i smile and walk up to them "you know, your dad would happy if you two talked" henry and i nodded. Paul leaves us to talk. "So you got the blonde boys message" "he has a name you know" i crossed my arms and looked up him. He smirks. "I know Emma, but still he will leave you soon enough and just like cheat on you" "Henry can you shut your mouth Luke will never leave me, we’ve been together for almost a year now, so shut up" i yell at the top of my lungs.  "Emma calm the fuck down" "no i won't henry "Emma, listen to be your older brother knows what’s best for you"  "You know nothing but bullshit, you don’t know what’s best for me, i had to live a abuse household for 11 years of my life and you weren’t with me" "Emma i didn’t know dad took me with him"  "yes i know the whole story henry, why didn’t he come back for me huh?"  "Emma i don’t know why" "thanks for nothing henry" i yell at him for the last time. I walk away from him with more tears in my eyes. I walk in to the dressing room. Luke walks towards me with open arms. I run in in to them. "Luke he will never change" he rubs my back as i cry on to his chest. "Babe don’t worry, I’m here, forget henry” i nod my head. He presses his lips against my forehead. I break in to a smile. "Shouldn’t you go talk to your uncle Paul?"  "I don’t know, i guess i should Luke” he smiles at me.

Luke's POV

 Before the show start i usually give Emma a kiss, but she's nowhere to be seen. I guess I’d have to go on stage without her kiss. I was determined to go find her. "Yo Luke lets go we need to be on stage in 30 seconds" calum yelled. I ignored him and continued walking to find Emma. One of the stage people found me and took me back to the stage. I sigh and walk towards the stairs to the stage. "Did you find her" calum whispered. I shake my head no. i didn’t feel focused tonight, but anyhow the show much go on.


Usually during try hard i look over to the stage we enter and see if Emma was there and well she wasn't there. As we finished up our set i quickly get off stage. I place my guitar on the stand and walk around. "Luke calm down" Michael said "how the hell can i be calm when my girlfriend is nowhere to be found" i yell. I walk away from my other band members. I looked in our dressing room, the one direction dressing room, the hairstyling place she’s nowhere to be found. Wait the tour bus. I run towards our tour bus. I open the door and walked in, i checked our bunk, and she wasn’t there. I hear a person sobbing, i go closer to the back lounge, i get closer "EMMA SHUT YOUR LITTLE MOUTH" someone says. Henry i say to myself. i open the back door, "HENRY GET THE HELL OUT OF THIS TOUR BUS AND STOP THIS MADNESS" i yell i look over to Emma and  find her bleeding "HENRY GET OUT BEFORE I CALL THE FUCKING  COPS ON YOU"  my hands clench in to fist. He quickly walks out the tour bus. I grab Emma’s hand and take her to one of the lower bunks. "Where hurts" i asked she points to her lips which looked swollen and small bits of blood coming out. Her cheek is scraped and bleeding also. I take off the flannel in wearing and cover her in it. I grab my towel and dab the blood away from her. She doesn’t look at me when i do this. Some tears stream down her face. "Babe looks at me" i say. She turns around to face me. "I’m sorry" she says, "babe why are you saying that"? I asked her, " "you must have been worried about meee Luke" she speaks "yes babe i was, but you’re in my arms now" i speak. She starts to sob. I hold her closer to my chest. "I should have never trusted henry" she speaks. I nod me head. "Let’s go up to our bunk babe" she nods her head and climbs up on to the bunk. I get on the bunk after her. "Hey em, just don’t think about it okay" i say to her. "Yeah i won’t Luke" she said.

Hello everyone, sorry if i updated late ive been busy. so anyhow, vote comment and yeah

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