Chapter 54

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A/N: since you guys wanted me to continue!
Emma's pov

"What's wrong" luke asked me.
"My father he's he's he's alive" I mumble. "What?" He asked "my father he's alive" I say. Words didn't come out of his mouth. His face made an o shape. He pulled me in for a hug. I cried in to his chest. Harry walks up to use "Emma what's wrong?" He asked "my father he's alive" I say Harry just stood there and looked at me like I was joking with him. I didn't know what to say. I walked to Paul. I see him with some man hugging. "Emma" Paul says "yes" I say "you're father is alive" he says. "I know" I say smiling "how?" He asked "my mother called from jail" I say "wait wait wait how do you know my father is alive?" I ask him. "Well Emma I'm your uncle" he says I look him straight in the eyes. "Then why didn't you tell me" I ask. "Because,okay here's the whole story, your father faked his death he came to find me. He lives with me he wanted to take you but he was scared of your mother" he says I look at him and start to cry. So he never died. He was always alive. This is bullshit. "But" I say. "Don't worry you'll meet your father soon" he says. He pulls me in to hug. I wipe off my tears and walk to luke and Harry . I explained the whole story to both of them. "That's great Emma" Harry slurs out. I see Harry's eyes get watery. Luke leaves so me and Harry can have some alone time. "Dad" I say he cuts me off "you can call me Harry now". He says "no I will still call you dad, don't worry I'm not packing up and leaving you" I say. I sit down beside him, "really Emma?" He asked "I promise" I say smiling. He hugs me. "But I might just spend time with my birth father, and I promise I'll still live with you dad I love you" I say we both get up and hug. I walk over to luke. 1 hour till show time. I walk to Lou to get my hair done "you two are gonna rock the show tonight" she says smiling. "Hopefully" I say smiling back. I walk to get ready. Christina gives me my outfit. I walk and get changed. Black crop top. Leather jacket. Black tights and black vans. Luke and I are kind of matching. He's wearing, black top. Black jeans and black vans. He grabs his guitar. Harry hugs both of us. Everyone wishes us good luck. We hold hands and walk out on stage. My nerves kick in. "I'm scared luke" I say. "Babe you'll be fine" he says. He kisses my lips. The fans started screaming. "EMKE" they all screamed "hey guys the other boys aren't out here because Emma and I are singing together!" He says I smile. Luke starts to play the cords to gotta get out.
And if we fall
It's not your fault
Shadows covering
Our selfish foes
And as our love,
Can go out on a high note

Even when the sky is falling down
Even when the earth is crumbling 'round my feet
Around my feet

And if the earth ends up crumbling down to its knees baby
We just gotta get out
We just gotta get out
Gotta get, gotta get, gotta get out
And if the skyscrapers tumble down and crash around baby
We just gotta get out
We just gotta get out

We just gotta get out
We just gotta get out
We just gotta get out

We just gotta get out
We just gotta get out
Luke plays the last cords. The crowd goes wild. "EMKE EMKE EMKE EMKE" they all yelled. I feel my cheeks burn up. Luke I and take a bow. He kiss me on the spot. We release our kiss. Fans still cheering. I walk off stage "now please welcome the other 3 members of 5 seconds of summer" luke said. "You guys did amazing" Niall shouted. "You rocked that show Emma" Liam says as he gives me a hug. "Amazing job Emma" Harry says as he also hugs me. I walk towards Paul "great show Emma" he says "thank you Paul" I say he shoots me a look because I'm suppose to call him "uncle Paul"... " go in one directions dressing room and start those math pages I left for you to do alright" he said I nod my head and walk in. I sit down and start.

Nicks pov
(Okay so nick is her birth father)

"Paul I don't think I should be doing this" I says "come nick the girls is 17 she needs to know her father is alive" Paul tells me. "I know I know I know, but my own daughter probably hates me by now". I say. "She won't hate you Nick now go talk to her" Paul Says. I walk towards the one direction dressing room. My hand goes on the knob. I breath. I open the door. I see my little girl grown up in to a beautiful woman. "Paul is that you?" She questions. She turns around "dad" she says quietly. I walk up to her. I bend down so she could see me. "Yes pumpkin it's me" I say smiling. "Why why did you leave" she asked. Tears started to formed in her eyes. "It was your mother fault she was the one that wanted to kill me, so I faked my death" I say "then I moved in with your uncle Paul" I say "Emma honey I know you were only 5 when I left you with your abusive mother and don't you think I feel like a terrible dad for doing that hell yes I do" I say Emma started sobbing. "I'm happy at least I get to see you" I say to her. She looks me in the eyes. She says nothing. She gives me a hug. "I missed you dad" she says "I missed you to sweet pea" I say. A boy, blonde hair blue eyes looks very tall. He walks toward us. "Emma who's this if I may ask" he says "oh luke this is my father" Emma says with a smile "dad this is my boyfriend luke" she says smiling at me "well it's nice to meet you luke" I say while shaking his hand "it's nice to meet you sir" luke says politely. "Please call me nick" I say. As the concert I meet harry. Emma's adopted father "hello you must be nick I'm Harry Emma's adopted father" he says "yes and I am it's nice to meet you Harry" I say with a smile I shake his hand. "Thank you for keeping my little girl safe" I say he just smiled "do you mind me keeping her for a day or 2 so I can catch up with her?" I ask "sure" he say. "I don't want to take your own daughter away from you" he slurs "look Harry I understand you took Emma in to your own hands and I'm really happy she isn't living in a abuse family, I'm really thanking you for saving her" I tell him. He gives me a smile. "You don't need to thank me nick, I just wanted to keep her safe" he says. "Thank you" I say once again.

Authors Note
Hey guys so since yesterday you guys wanted me to update to here you go. Comment your thoughts on this chapter guys!!! Okay peace out until the next update love yah
-Emily ❤️

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