Chapter 56

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Please read authors note okay thank you :) some parts may have errors so please bare with me
Luke's pov

She cried. He pulled her in to my chest "luke why don't you take Emma to bed we will talk about this in the morning" Paul said. I nod my head and take Emma to our room. She kept her head in my chest I walked up to our room. "Luke" she called out. "Yes babe" I reply. " I don't feel well" she says "I'll be in bed In a second okay em" I tell her "okay luke" she tells me. I walk out of the room. "Luke is Emma alright?" Paul asked me "no her dad beat her up" I say. "Oh" is what managed to say, I walk back to the room. I see Emma in tears. "Emma" I say. She doesn't answer I run over to her. I pull her in to my chest. I ran my fingers through her hair. "Everything will be alright Emma I promise" I tell her. I kiss her forehead, "luke are are you sure?" She asked me. "Of course I'm sure" I tell her. I tilt her chin up and kiss her. "I love you luke" she says "I love you more Emma" I tell her. "Let's get some rest now" I tell her "okay luke" she says. I go to my side. Her back is turned to me. I go closer to her and pull her back in to my chest. I wrap my arms around her waist. I live my head on her collar bone.

Emma's pov

I wake up beside luke. Last night was terrifying for me. I couldn't believe that happened. I shouldn't have trusted my dad. I get up feeling sore. Luke was still asleep. I go in the washroom. I have bruised everywhere. I couldn't even look at myself. I look in the mirror I see luke standing behind me. "You'll be alright" he said. I turn around and look at him. "Luke I look like shit" I say. "No you don't babe" he says. I lay my head in his chest. We both look in the mirror. "Emma do you know what today is?" He asked. "Sunday?" I ask "it's our anniversary babe" he says "oh lord I forgot usually the girl remembers these things" I says in panic. "Emma don't worry you have taken a lot of stress" he says. "I feel bad now" i say. "Emma don't please" luke says. "I have your gift come in the bedroom" he says. I walk back to the bedroom. "Okay sit on the bed" luke said. I nod my head, "and close your eyes" he added. I close them. He puts something around my neck. "Okay open" he says I look down at my neck. "Happy anniversary" he say. "Happy anniversary Luke" I say. He got me a necklace with his name on it. "And I have one with your name on it" he says he pulls down his collar of his shirt, I feel my checks burn. "I love you" I say " I love you too Emma forever and always" he says. I kiss his cheek. I pulls away. He cups my face. And pulls me in for a kiss. We both walk downstairs. Everyone was in the living room. "Okay Emma you need to explain" Paul says "Paul chill" Niall says "come on Paul give the girl a break she needs so time" Ria says. "Paul don't stress Emma out more" Ashton says. "Sorry Emma" he says to me. I feel tears rush down my eyes. I was about rush back to the room. But luke blocked me. I put my head In his chest. "Whenever you are ready Emma" Paul said. I turned from luke. Everyone looks at me. Luke held my hand. He smiled at me. "Okay so here's what happened, so after my nick took me to the mall and yeah so he was suppose to bring me home he told me I was going home as in my before life, and he started to beat me and when we got to the house and he locked me in a room. So around 2am I kinda jumped out the window and tried to find my away here" I say. Tears form in my eyes. I wipe them away "GROUP HUG" Niall shouts. Everyone comes around me. Which makes me smile. "You'll be alright em" Harry Whispers to me. I nod my head.

Ria's POV:

"GROUP HUG!!!" Niall shouts and we all gather around Emma, giving her a huge hug, making sure she feels the love. I feel really mad at Nick. The bloody man can't leave Emma alone can he? She's already been through so much pain and trouble and just when things are looking up for her, the man comes and decides to stuff everything up for her. She's a sensitive girl and she's got so many battle scars, she doesn't need any more.

I can feel my fists clench and my face tense up. All I can think of is punching that bastard in the face and showing him his worth. He deserves to rot in hell for all the things he has done. I get the feeling that someone's staring at me and I look up to see it's Harry.

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