Chapter 30

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Emma's pov

I woke up to Harry,gemma,anne,and Luke. I don't really remember what happened to me or how I ended up in a hospital, But it's a good thing I didn't lose my memory. I was happy I didn't. I smiled. my mum came in oh fuck thanks god I got rid of her. I liked my new family. Harry was the father of my dreams. I was able to go home

Today, I've been in the hospital for two days. I changed out of the hospital clothing, and changed in to the clothing that Gemma brought me, I got changed. Harry signed some papers. they let me go. it was good to see sunlight again. paparazzi was other there, my eyes were covered by Harry's hands. I heard reports say

What happened to her?

Did she try to kill herself?

Fans were there. I didn't really care about that happened. Harry pushed my in the car. I had to sit un top of Luke because there was no room. Luke gave me little kisses once in a while.

*2 hours later*

We finally got back to Harry's home. it was good to be their. Luke carried me inside. I sat down

"Gemma what happened to me?" I asked her

"Emma you were hit by a car" she told me

"Really?" I questioned again

"Yes baby girl" she told me

"Do you guys know who hit me?" I asked once again

"No baby cakes" Harry said

"Dad,Luke how long are you guys staying here?" I asked

"I don't know yet baby" Luke said

"Oh" I replied

"Maybe a week or 5 days." Harry said

"Oh" I said

"Can someone get me a blanket?" I asked

"Oh ok hold on Emma" Anne said

Luke pulled me in to his chest to keep me warm for a bit, I looked up at him and smiled. Anne have me the blanket. Luke covered me with it, the phone rang. Gemma picked it up. tears came to her eyes. then she hung up

"Gem what's wrong?" I Asked

"They found it who hit you"she told me

"Who was it?" I asked

"It was............." she said



OMG Thanks so much or the reads!



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