Chapter 45

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Just to let you know I’m dyslexic with some words

I get these words mixed up

Talk and take. 

And my numbers so please if you see I’m wrong please tell me. 

Please read authors note

Love yah

Luke's POV

"Luke, Luke, Luke" Someone said to me. I groaned, and turned over and hugged Emma. I woke up hours later, noticing i was hugging a pillow. I got up from my bunk. I finally realized that Emma was calling me to wake up. I clean up and walked to the front lounge. “Morning Guys” i said with a yawn”. “Morning Luke” Everyone said. “Where’s my babe?”I asked in the weirdest way. “I’m right here Luke” she said.

I walked up to her and pulled her up from the seat, i took her to the back lounge. “Let continue from last right” i said as i came on top of her. She said nothing i connected my lips with hers. She wrapped her arms around my neck. “You- know- we- have-a-day-off” i said between kisses. She nodded her head. We continued making out for another hour. No one even disturbed us. “Luke- can-we-stop?” Emma asked. She put her hands on my chest. We both got up; my arms were still wrapped around hers. I smiled. “So Emma what shall we do today?”I asked her “What’s with the formality Luke”she asked “to be honest i have no clue babe” i said. The doors opened “Oh thank god you guys weren’t having sex again” Michael said. We both rolled our eyes at him.


Emma’s pov.

I don’t remember if i ate something this morning or something this afternoon. Well the whole crew was going to dinner. So i changed in to some clothing. I haven’t eaten anything in awhile. Maybe it was because of the hate i have been getting from fans.  We all went to this restaurant, it was fancy, i sat in the middle of my dad and Luke, and I smiled at both of them. We all ordered I got the pasta; it was good, i guess, after an hour we got back on the tour bus.

“Luke i need to tell you something” i said nervously

“Emma can’t you see I’m busy” Luke said as he pointed at his guitar

“Luke it’s kind of important” i said

“Okay Emma what is it?” he asked in anger

“Luke your be such a jerk” i yelled

“A JERK” i yelled

I came up quickly,

“Emma you alright” Luke asked me as he layed me back down.

“i-i-i- think so” i stuttered.

“Why did you yell a jerk?” he asked

“Cause you were acting like a jerk” i said.

“Emma you were dreaming” he said

“It’s okay Emma I’m here now” he said as he wrapped his arms around me.

I smiled. And fell back asleep.


So yeah thanks for reading no more updates cause i have exams im sorry

Enjoy this chapter i love you all

Sorry for the short chapter.

The next update will be January 29th 2014.

See yeh

And yes I’m dyslexic so please bare with me <3 ~emmy 

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