chapter 3

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As Harry and I got into the limo, more tears filled my face, Harry pulled me into a tight hug "don't you worry Emma everything is going to be okay now, you're with me now and that's all that matters" he said sweetly, I smiled at what he told me. We went towards the hotel the rest of the members of One Direction were, all i saw was flashing lights, maybe from camera's, fangirls banging on the glass of the window, I think of them had noticed me. 

what is that bitch doing with harry?

she need to back the fuck away from harry?

awe she's cute

holy shit harry leave her, let her go back where she comes from.

" Emma don't listen to them" he whispered

The both of us, got in the hotel, harry and i got in the elevator, when we got to our floor, there were some big guys, i think they were bodyguard's, They told harry we can leave no one was there. we came out of the elevator. and harry lead me into room.

" Boys this is Emma, i adopted her, well not fully but soon " he said

" Say hi love" he whispered

" Hiya" i said i smiled and waved 

" Hello Love, wait " Niall Said 

" Hello sweetie" Louis said 

" Come sit down with us love" Liam Said 

i walked to the sofa where Zayn and Liam where, i sat beside the 2 boys. they were watching Football( Soccer). 

" So Emma tell us about yourself" Zayn said facing me 

" umm well I'm 14, i lived in a terrible house hold and harry saved me" i said with a smile 

harry looked over at me and smiled. the boys turned off the t.v. 

" Why don't we play a game"? Harry suggested 

" Sure"  we all said 

" But what game?" i asked

" Umm what about truth or dare" Liam said

" Ok lets play that" i said 

" Alright Lou you go first" Liam said 

" Ok Emma truth or dare?" louis asked

" truth" i said 

" Alright which one do you like better me or harry?" louis asked 

" i cant pick" i said 

Harrys POV 

Emma sat with the rest of the boys as they played truth or dare, she smiled so much today, i'm so proud of myself from  taking her away from her dark place, I bought her into the light. I looked down at my watch and notice it was after 1 in the morning 

" Emma its bed time lets go" i said to her

"But Harry we just started the game, its getting more intense" Niall said

"no come on Emma, you all can continue tomorrow okay" i said 

The rest of the boys nodded their heads. I waved at the boys Emma said goodnight to them. i walked to her to the room i was staying in. I gave her one of my baggie pants and my rolling stones shirts. I handed her the clothing and she looked at me and nodded her head

" harry i look dumb in your clothing" she said from the washroom.

" awe angel i don't think you would. Louis told me you and his girlfriend will go shopping with you so you can get some clothing" i said

she came out of the washroom. she looked adorable in my clothing 

" Angel you look adorable" i said

" umm no harry" Emma said looking down herself laughing. 

she sat down on the bed. there was only one

" Emma ill sleep on the sofa, you take the bed" i told her

" would you mind actually kinda sleeping next to me, i'm just a little scared"  she said her eyes got a bit watery,.

I nodded my head. i came back to her. she laid on the bed with the covers over her. i came beside her. i kissed her forehead. 

" Night dad" she said 

" goodnight my angel" i  said 

what did Emma just call me dad. this was awesome!!! but, how did she accept me so quickly. 

march 1st update: okay i know how some people were saying omg its going too fast and i honestly agree idk what my 13 year old self was writing back then, so im going in back and checking around to see what needs to be updated and other stuff. just keep in mind this is 2013 one direction so its old but at least im updating it ! alright peace out friends 

Updated and Edited March 2016 

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