Chapter 28

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Harry's pov

"Luke she looks like Emma" I said

"No shit Sherlock" he told me in a negative attitude

He stood behind the door.The lady who "knows" Emma walked pass us. I wanted to run inside Emma's room.

"Hi do you know where room 124A is?" she asked

"Who are you seeing?" I questioned her

"Emma Scott" she told me

"Excuse me her name is Emma styles" I told her

"Emma my daughter is in the hands of a madman" she said

"I'm not a madman I'm a nice man" I told her

"You took Emma away from us" she told us

"Me your husband just threw Emma at me, she's been living a Better life since she's with me" I told her

"Emma had a better life with us" she said rudely

"She told me that she had the worst life ever living with you." I said back

I wanted to hurt this lady so badly

"Excuse me Mr.Styles may you and your family come in the room" the nurse asked

I nodded and made my way to the room. Gemma and Anne were standing their with tears in their eyes, I look down at Emma, she was breathing, breathing as she was awake, as Luke came in tears Start of fall from his eyes, I walked over to her. I held her hand, I felt a grip of her hand trying to hold on to me, her eyes fluttered opened, everyone was in tears.

"Angel" I said to her

"D-D-D-ad" she mumbled

"Emma bear" Luke said

"Lukey bear" she said to him

"Emma?" my mum questioned her

"A-A-n-n-e" she stuttered

"Em" Gemma said

"Gem" she smiled

She remembered us.

"Emma Scott" the lady said

"Mum" she said confusingly

"Baby come back to us" she said

"In hell's way I'm a coming back I'm staying with Harry" she said

I smiled warmly

"Ma'ma I'm sorry but their no Emma Scott anymore she's Emma styles now." I said proudly

"You are a mad man" he told me

"Excuse me, Harry is a nice man don't make me get the police men and ask them to throw you out" Emma said

"Do you still love me?" she asked Emma

"Me loving you, your funny I've always hated you" she told her

"Emma honey" she said

"GET THE *cough* FUCK OUT" She screamed

Hey guys just a quick update hope you like it. please read my new fanfic loved you first it's a Liam Payne one pleas and thank you ~Emmy

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