Chapter 21

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Emma's POV

my hands shook, I couldn't feel them,

( ill will try to do this this as an IMessage things)

Luke <3

Luke we need to talk

What's wrong?

Remember that John kid

That jerk who tried

Talking my girl

Luke I need you back

Here.. please

Babe what's is he

Gonna do to you?

Luke please come

Ill see what I can do

Babe I love you so much

Ok Luke babe ily

(End of conversation)

I was scared to death. I stayed with Anne for a while. thank god John doesn't know where I need Luke. Harry called earlier but I wasn't able to talk to him. I missed him. I had to sleep in his room. I looked strange. Gemma took me shopping. she said she liked having younger girl in the house that she can spoil, I really liked her. she so pretty. anyhow I walked up to Harry room. I looked around Harry's room. there was some of his old clothes. I walked in his washroom, I looked around. I opened a door. the one that's under the sink. I found some shampoo and other things. I found a box of Harry's Bracelets that he doesn't wear. I thought I'd put them on. I liked all of them. I guess he won't mind that I took his bracelets. I saw other box. I opened it. I found a blade from a sharpener. did Harry cut? I walked up to gemma's room. I knocked her door. she let me in. her room was like all other girl rooms.

" What's wrong Emma?" she questioned me

" well I found something in Harry's room" I said

" His bracelets?" she asked as she touch my wrist. cause I was wearing Harry's bracelets

" No not that" I said

" Then what did you find love?" She asked

" Come in Harry's room Ill show you" I said

She nodded, we walked in to Harry's room, I opened the box and showed her the blade

" Oh that.." she said she sounded upset

" What's wrong Gemma?" I asked

"Harry use to cut him self when he was around 13 or 14" she told me

" Oh" I said

" That's why he use to wear a lot of bracelets' Gemma added

" Why did Harry start" I asked

" Well when he was young he wasn't that popular, and many people didn't like him. he was called ugly fat not wroth it and loser and many more things" she explained

" Woah" I said

" And Harry told me that your have scars from cutting also" she said

" Yeah I have well in the past" I said

" Emma you have stopped right?" she asked

" Yes" I said I lied

" Well you should put this back" she said

I nodded my head and put the blade back in the box. I walked back to Harry's room, I put back the box in the place. I closed the door. The phone rang. Anne wasn't home and Gemma was taking a shower. I picked up the phone

"Hello" I said

"Hi baby I miss you" the voice said

" Dad?" I questioned

" Yes angel it's me" Harry said

" Daddy... I miss you to" I said

"How's touring going dad?" I asked

" Everything is fine" he said

" Oh angel I've gotta go I love

You sooooooo much ill text you later" Harry said

" I love you to dad" I said

I hung up the phone tears flood my eyes.


Hello new updates soon ily all -Emmy

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