Chapter 19

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Emma's POV
I woke up to no Luke in bed. I turned around and looked at the time. It was 7 in the morning. Oh that's right Harry and others had to start their tour today. My door opened. I turned around It was Harry.

" Angel" he said in a slow in steady voice

" yeah dad" I reply in a small voice

" I'm going to miss you" he said while tears started to fall

I didn't say anything I ran up to hug him. I was going to miss Harry a lot. Tears appeared on my face. Luke stood behind harry. Harry let go of me. And looked at Luke and nodded his head. Luke entered my room and harry shut the Door behind him. Luke ran up and hugged me. My eyes flooded with tears. And so did Luke's. We were in a flood of tears.

"Luke I'm gonna miss you" I said as I sniffed

" babe I'm gonna miss you more" Luke said as he pulled me in closer.

Our lips met. I felt like it was the last time I'm going to see Luke. And it's true. I'm going to have to wait 7 fucking months. Well all I have to look forward to is seeing them in Paris. I took a deep breath. all of the boys were ready to go. a car came to pick them up, Harry's mum was going to be at the airport to drop me back home, I think that she's staying with me. Honestly it didn't matter to me. Harry called me to come downstairs. Harry the boys and I walked out the front door. Harry took one last look at the house. he wiped away his tear. he turned to me and gave me the keys. I walked up to the car. Harry sat In the front and Calum Luke Ashton Michael and I sat at the back, Luke Myself and Ashton had to squeeze in the back. I was so squished. Ashton was making a keek as usually. I was snugged in Luke's chest at the time. he rested his chin on my head. we took a couple of selfies or even more. we finally arrived at the airport. we hopped out of the car. the man took the suitcases In the airport check in place. I held Luke's hand. my fans had surround the entrance. the body guards had to push and shove the fans away (lightly) we finally got inside. the rest of one direction was there. their girlfriends and friends and parents. then there was Paul. then the boys of 5sos. I hugged each and everyone of them. I saved Luke and Harry for last. I hugged all the boys off one direction. I ran up to Harry. his arms were wide open.

"I'm gonna miss you dad" I said as tears streamed down my eyes.

" Angel I'm gonna miss you more" Harry said as he hugged me.

The boys of one direction were off to the airplane. I ran up to Luke hugged me tightly.

" Babe I'm gonna miss you to much" Luke said

" No Luke I'm gonna miss you more than that" I said

He kissed my lips. "don't forget to Skype me babe" he screamed

I walked out of the airport. Anne was waiting for me.

" Did you say goodbye Anne?" I asked

" Yes I did love" she said

" Why don't you come to my house and have dinner with me?" she asked

" That would be lovely Anne" I said

I smiled


Heey sorry for the late update!!! Enjoy this chapter

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