Chapter 10

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Harry's POV

My alarm woke up me up. The marimba woke me. I really hated the ringtone but I help me get up! Anyhow I woke up and bushed my teeth. I came out and put a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. I walked out of my room and walked to Emma's room. I opened her door quietly. She was hugging the panda I won for her at the carnival. I walked to the side of her and shook her arm lightly. She turned to my side.

" Emma wake up, it's time for school angel". I said as I opened the curtains.

" ugh dad leave me alone" she said as she put the covers over her head

I pulled the cover from her head. I pulled her out of bed. She laughed

" ok dad I'm good ill take it from here" she said she was still laughing

" Emma what do you want for breakfast?" I asked as I pulled her up from the floor

" anything daddy Ill be down soon." She said as the entered the washroom

I walked downstairs


Ugh I didn't want to go to school. I've been homeschooled half of the life. I wasn't ready. I brushed my teeth and steeped in the shower. I turned off the water and wrapped the towel over my body. I walked to my draw, that had my undergarments. My phone buzzed. It was luke

Good morning sexy!! I miss you and love you. ; )

Oh Luke this boy is all I could ask for.

I picked up my phone and texted him back


baby!!!! Your my everything I love you to. Ill text you later I have school! Ugh

I put down my phone. I had to wear a uniform. Ugh I hated wearing the same clothing over and over again. I was going to Harry's old high school. I put on the uniform which I looked very bad in. I took out my phone and opened twitter. Harry had gone in and changed something's my twitter was now @emma_styles . I saw my mentions blow up with one direction fans and 5sos fans also. I didn't get a lot of hate. I also had Instagram. Harry did all of this for me. My user was @emmastyles. Lord harry knows all of this. I had about 103k follower all one direction and 5sos fans. I saw I was tagged In something. Ashton tagged me in the photo of me and Luke kissing. I liked the photo. And took a photo of my in my school uniform. I put my phone in the bag that Harry got me. I put my books in and walked downstairs. It smelled good!

" morning daddy" I said as I looked over his shoulder.

" morning angel" Harry said

"Ready for school" he added

" no I don't wanna go" I protested

" Emma your gonna go and are you able to take the bus home or walk?" Harry said

" I'll find my way home" I said while I rolled my eyes

Harry handed me my food! Pancakes yay!!! And some orange juice. I finished eating. I slipped on my toms that Niall bought me. I jumped in the front seat and I put my seat belt on. Harry didn't really talk to me. He got to the school he handed me some money to buy lunch, the principle was there. She greeted harry. I waved goodbye to Harry

" hello miss styles welcome to high school let me show you around." She said

" oh ok" I said
I followed her. I was in 10th grade they made me skip a grade. So many people looked at me then whispered to the person beside them.

" so Emma here's your home room music" she said

" just ask me or someone if you need help" she added

I nodded my head I walked to the teachers desk and handed her my note to say I'm new

" everyone this is Emma styles, she is new so please show her around, Emma why don't you tell the class about your self" ms.Williston said

" hi I'm Emma and I'm 15 ( I had to lie) and yeah" I said

" alright miss.styles why don't you sit beside, Evan." She said

" Evan why don't you raise your had so Emma can see" she added

I walked over to the desk that was beside him. There was one of those jocks that were behind me. A girl beside me put note on my desk. I opened it. It said

" welcome to high school Emma. Woah girl your sexy why don't we go out ~John look behind you

I tuned around it was the jock. He was smiling and smirking. I thought about Luke. I said to myself Luke is your boyfriend. The bell rang for second period. I had English. I went to the teacher and asked her where my class was she told me the directions. I pulled out my phone. I had a dozen texts from Luke. I got to my class. I saw the Evan dude. He seemed nice. I sat beside him. Mr.james. I seem to notice i was new. We did some work on story's and stuff. I didn't like school. The bell rang for lunch.

" hi" Evan said

" oh hellos" I said

" umm I need some help finding my locker mind helping me?" I added

" oh sure " he said while looking down

" what's the locker number" he added

" umm 1395" I said

" oh ok" I said
we walked down many hallways. We finally found my locker. I thanked him for finding it and then he left. i pulled out my phone and called Luke

" babe I miss you" Luke said

" lukey I miss you to" I said

" how do you like school baby?" He asked

Before I could answer him that jock came up to me ugh I hate those guys.

" hey baby" John said

"Leave me alone please" I said

I forgot that Luke was still on the line. He put down the phone.

" fucking leave me alone John" I said once again

He pushed me on my locker he hands were on my waist,

" LET ME GO" I screamed

He was about to kiss me

" leave her alone" I voice said this voice I knew

" who said that " John said

"Me" Luke said

He let go of me and went to Luke.

" please don't hurt him" I begged

" what who is he for you?" John asked

" he's my boyfriend" I said loudly

He let go of Luke and he dropped to the ground.

" you can do better than him" John said

" oh my gosh luke are you ok" I said while tying to pull him up.

" baby I'm fine" he said

" lukey are you sure?"I asked


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