Chapter 61!

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Harry's pov
"Harry" a voice calls out. This voice sounds so familiar. "Henry" i say in a surprised voice. I get up and walk up to him. As we meet up we hug each other. "It's been so long Harry" he said. "I know how have you been?" I ask him. We both walk back to the table "I've been fine, what about you?" He asked. "I've been good" I tell him. "Guys this is Henry an old friend of mine" I say to everyone. "Hello" they all say. "Henry this is my daughter Emma" I say. Emma gives him a smile. "Hello Emma" he says. "Hi" Emma says. "This is luke and Ashton" I says. "Hey I know who you guys are, my niece adores you 4 boys." He say. Ashton and luke smile. "Harry I'm really proud of you for going in to sing" he tells me. "Aha thanks" I say. I give him a smile. He nods his head. "Well I have to head back to work" he says. "Okay Henry" I say. I give him a hug. And he walks away. He looks so much like Emma. Why? His face his eyes exactly like Emma. I'm so confused.

Emma's pov
Why does this Henry guy look like me. Our eye colour is the same, every feature on our face is the same. What the hell. I look at luke. He gives me a smile. I smile back. "Emma there's something weird about Henry" he tells me "I know" I tell him. "He looks almost like you" he tells me "that's the weird thing luke, why would he look like me" I tell him. I let out a sigh. "Let's go outside and get some air babe" luke tells me. I nod. I grab my coffee and we walk out the doors. The breeze hits my body making me feel better. Luke holds me close to his side. Henry passes us by. I notice a tattoo on his arm.

"Honey I'm home" Nick yells. My crayons fall down as I run up to my dad. "Hi daddy" I say. He picks me up. I wrap my little hands around his neck. "Hi my sweet angel" he says to me. He puts me down. I see writing on his hand. Scott. There in red ink.

*end of flashback*

I shake my head. So the memory fades. He has the same tattoo as nick. In the same ink. No no no we can't be related. This is bullshit. He smirks as he sees me. I roll my eyes at him. "Well if it isn't Emily Samantha Scott" he says. "Excuse me it's styles" I say with sass. "Do you think I care?" He asked me "get lost Henry" luke tells him. He walks away. I cuddle in to Luke's chest. "Emma do you think you could be related to Henry?" Luke asked me. I look up at him. "I Don't know luke" I tell him. "Well you should find out" he says. "How?" I ask. "He works here doesn't he?" Luke tells me "yeah" I say "then find some information about him" he says. "Sure" I say. We walk back inside. Luke goes to the table and I walk to the information desk. I walk up to the lady. "Hi, how may I help you?" She asked. "It's Henry here?" I asked "Henry who?" She asked with a confused look on her face. "Henry Scott?" I ask her. "Oh yes Henry Scott, he just left" she tells me. "You must be his sister" she tells me. "Um, yeah I'm his sister" I tell her. I shouldn't have said that, oh shit. "Well what do you need?" She asked. "Can I see one of his files please" I asked her. She nodded her head and gave me his file. I started reading.

A/N hey guys so here's an update on the book. Um by the 17th of June I have exams however I'll try my best to update with ria! So ria is on a trip so I guessed id do Harry's pov. Then I'll update tomorrow. Then another update on Wednesday then another on June 23 bc I have exams on 17-20th okay so sorry for a long authors note! Anyhow PRETTY PLEASE COMMENT ON THIS CHAPTER (I'll be replying to you!) vote share

Okay bye Guys ilysm Ooo I've been 125 days clean from self harm yay!

Okay bye

-Emily! / Ria!

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