Chapter 60!

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Emma's pov
Luke and I get in to the hospital. We walk in I scan around to see where Harry is. I see him. I walk up to him. Ashton is also here. I sit next to Harry. He's still crying. Ashton looks very stressed, I couldn't help but cry myself. Ria is so close to me. I can't lose her. I know Harry loves her as much as I do. Luke sits down beside me. I lay my head on his shoulder. "Baby" Harry's small voice says. "Yes dad" I say. I raise my head from Luke's shoulder. He grabs my hand. It's like he has no ability to hang on to me. "Dad she will be alright don't worry" I tell him. Tears escape his eyes. Tears also fall down my eyes. "Ash" I say softly "yeah Emma" he says to me. "It's all your falut" he says in a louder voice. The room goes quite. More tears fall down my eyes. "Please Ashton I didn't know this would happen" i tell him. Tears keep falling down my eyes. He ignores me. "Please ash believe me" I tell him. I beg him. He gets up. And walks out the hospital doors. I try and follow him. Luke grabs my arm. "Let me go talk to him babe" he tells me. I nod. He kisses my cheek and walks out.

Luke's pov.
Ashton gets up and leaves the hospital doors. I grab Emma's arm. "Let me go talk to him babe" I tell her. She nods. I kiss her cheek and walk out. I follow Ashton. He's by his car. "Ash" I yell. "What" he yells back. "Listen to me, it wasn't Emma's falut, it's nicks fault, they both came to save us Harry tried to save your sister, come one don't blame Emma, he'll blame nick" I say to him. He slams his hand on the door. Tears rush down his face, I pull him in to a hug. "I think I need to go apologize to Emma" he says. I smile. We both walk in. We walk in front Emma. "Em, I'm sorry I said it was your fault I didn't mean to say that" Ashton's says. "Ashton it's alright I know your mad because of your sister" Emma's says. She gets up and hugs Ashton. I smile. "Mr.Styles" the lady calls out.

Emma's pov
"Mr.Styles" the nurse calls out. "You may enter Ria's room now" she says. We all get up and walk "I'm sorry it's only two at a time" the nurse says. I nod. I let Ashton and Harry go.

Ashton pov
Harry and I walk to Ria's room. We are told the she is asleep from all that surgery. Harry and I walk in to her room. We eyes close and her body looks so lifeless but she's still alive. The beeps from the machine scare me. I just don't like hospitals. Harry's eyes get watery, and so do mine. He hold on to Ria's hand. He lightly kisses her forehead. He walks out. I look at my sister. I lightly give her a kiss on her cheek. And walk out. Emma and Luke are waiting for us. As soon as we come out. They both hug us.

Emma's pov
Harry and Ashton come out from the rooms. Luke and I both give them hugs. Harry kisses my forehead, knowing that he almost lost me 6 months ago. It must hurt him more because he doesn't want to lose the love of this life. He hugs me tighter. I smile. "Dad" I say "yeah honey" he answers. "You're hugging me a bit to tight" I say to him. He lets go of me. "Sorry" he says "it's alright, let's go get something to eat" I say to all f them. They all nod. We go to the hospital cafe. "What do you guys want?" I ask. The shrug their shoulders. I order 4 coffees. I wait for them as they sit down. I carry the coffees to the table. I sit down. They all smile. "Harry" a young man says. "Henry" he says in a surprised voice


pretty please with a cherry on top read this! Thanks so much for the reads! IM BEGGING YOU TO COMMENT LOL! Okay bye love you lots xx

Emily & Ria

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