Chapter 52

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Luke's pov

"Great job guys" calum said in excitement. I walked off the stage and went to the dressing room. I heard someone singing. I open the door. I see Emma with my guitar singing gotta get out to Lux. Her voice sounded amazing. She stopped singing as soon as she saw me. "No babe continue you sound amazing"I say. Lux nodded her head. "You two sing" lux said. I sat beside Emma and took the guitar. We started singing. When we started the rest of the boys came in, then Lou then the boys of one direction half of the staff walked in. (Add last lyrics to this part) everyone started clapping. We smiled. "EMKE IS BACK" Michael shouted. Emma rested her head on my shoulder. I smiled. "You two sounded amazing" Harry shouted. "You two should perform tonight" Ria shouted. "Yeah you two should" Niall said. "No I can't" Emma said "oh come on Emma you'll be find you're with me right" I said to her. "Okay fine I'll do it" she said with a smile. "It's official" Paul said.

Harry's pov

I didn't know that Emma could sing. She sounded amazing. I walked out the dressing room and entered my dressing room with the boys. Currently I have no idea of what to wear. I see Ria. I walk behind her and wrap my arms around her waist. I give her a kiss on the cheek. "Hello beautiful" I say. "Hi Harry" she says. I let go of her waist so she can face me. I smile. "I didn't know Emma can sing like that" she says "neither did I" I say. "I still can't believe it's been a month since we dated" i say. "I know, I'm still sorry I called you a player Harry" she says "babe it's okay" I say while smiling.


"Hey ria" I say as I walk up to her. "Hey Harry" she says with a smile. "Um I was wondering if you wanted to um go out to dinner with me" I say nervously. "I would love to" she says. "Great I'll pick you up at 7" i say. "Sound good" She says.

*end of flashback*


Hey guys sorry if this chapter sucks... I haven't really had time to right because of school and a whole bunch of other things. Anyhow I'm happy you guys are enjoying the book. I guess every Sunday this book will be updated. And I love you guys!!! I've been 32 days clean.. Yay!! Umm idk what else to say have a good day and


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