Chapter 5

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Why was Eleanor asking me about my past. I didn't really like anyone know about it, it was hell if you ask me. Eleanor drove away from the paparazzi. We go to one of the malls. Which I have no clue what it was called. Eleanor and I walked in the mall it was huge. We walked in to a store called " forever 21" I have to say. This story had a lot of pretty clothes! Eleanor helped me pick out some clothes. I saw one that said " Rolling Stones on it. After about an hour of shopping there. Eleanor and I finally got to the cash register. She paid for my clothing.

"Emma have you eaten anything yet?" She asked

" no I haven't" I told her

"Alright why don't we go get something to eat" she said

"Ok"I said

Eleanor and I walked out of the store and headed to the food court, which we found a lot of places to eat. And Louis and Harry were there. Harry got of his seat and opened his arms wide open for me, I ran to him.

" Angel I missed you" Harry said while hugging me

"I missed you to daddy" I said

" hey missy come give Louis a hug" Louis said

I gave Louis a hug.


Seeing my angel happy is all I could ask for.

" hey why don't I take Emma or the rest of the day and Louis and Eleanor could stay together" I said

"Ok" all of them said

" ok will Eleanor and I will go now" Louis said

" bye Emma it was fun shopping with you " Eleanor said to Emma

" yeah I had fun to see you later" Emma said while giving a hug to her.

"Ok bye Harry" Louis and Eleanor said

"Bye guys" I said

" Someone looks hungry" i said

" dad" she said with her voice a littler louder

"Ok angel lets go get something to eat.

Emma and I lined up in mc Donald's line to get something to eat.

" hi how may I help you" the man said

" hi umm can I get pancakes and a mixed berry juice" I told the man

" ok" the man said

I paid him and Emma and I waited

After we got our food Emma and I sat down somewhere.

" Emma" I said

" yeah" she said looking up at me

" do you still want to go shopping?" I Asked her

" ok dad" she said

" ok angel eat up" I told her

Emma was special girl. She meant everything to me. I did the right thing. I took her away from her very bad parents. She's better off with me. She finished her pancakes and juice

" ready to go?" I asked

" yep" she said smiling




~Emmy/Emily/Emma/ ❤

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