Chapter 71

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Harry's POV:

“I got a heart…and I got a soul. Believe me I will use them both. We made a start, be it a false one I know. Baby I don’t want to feel alone…” I sing into the microphone as my voice gets recorded. I can feel it becoming strained; these lyrics hold more power than you could think. I may not have written this song but it certainly hits a place in my heart. I step out of the recording booth as I take a moment to regain control of my emotions. I can see Zayn eyeing me from a distance; it was his turn to record next. He strides towards me, having his arms open and ready for a hug.

“It’s alright Haz” he whispers as he pulls me into his chest. I haven’t been like this before; I just miss her too much. Is this what love really is? But I wouldn’t know. I’ve never been in a serious enough relationship. It’s always been either a relationship that comes to an end rather quickly or just being friends with the person. Never before have I felt like this.

“Go take a rest okay? Drink some hot chocolate and call Ria. Talk to her okay? It will make you feel better.” Zayn assures me and I nod. He gives me a small pat on the back as he ushers for me to go back to the tour bus. I follow his signals and step out of the recording studio, feeling thankful that I have someone like Zayn in my life. Zayn has a lot of experience in this department but nonetheless, he and Perrie have been going strong for so long now, they’re even engaged! He is the best person to go to for this advice.

I pass Ashton on the way and he gives me a small smile before noticing the sadness on my face.

“What’s wrong Harry?” He asks, pulling me into a hug. I let the Australian lad embrace me for a bit before speaking up.

“Just missing your sister a little more than I should be” I laugh a bit at the end. I sound so stupid right now. He simply replies with a smile on his face, a smile that lights up the room no matter what situation it is.

“I knew that you guys were perfect for each other. I just got off the phone with her; she’s feeling much the same right now. On top of that, her course starts in a couple of days so she’s more stressed than ever.” Ashton enlightens me and I nod. Isn’t there any way that I could get Ria back on tour here with us? I mean she could do her course and everything; she’d have time while we’re out rehearsing and performing and she could study then. There’s a spare room at the back of the bus that nobody uses…she could make that her study? I’m sure nobody would mind. As for exerting herself…she wouldn’t have to do a thing. I’ll do everything for her. I just really want her back in my arms and here, safe and sound.

“Ashton, do you want your sister back on tour with us?” I ask, hoping that he would say yes.

“Well, yes. Things haven’t been the same since she left. I miss her so much and I know you do too. Everyone does. But your proper smile hasn’t come back since she left…I want that back, Harry. I want my best friend back and if that means that my sister has to come back on tour, then I’m all for it. I don’t want you guys to have to deal with long distance if it’s affecting you like this” he says. I give him a hug, grateful that he feels this way.

“Well then, I’m going to talk to your mother. Will she be at home right now?” I ask. Ashton nods and I pull my phone out of my pocket, selecting the number before dialling it. It rings for a few seconds before anyone answers.

“Hello?” it’s the voice of Mrs Irwin.

“Hi Mrs Irwin, its Harry here” I say.

“Hello Harry! What can I do for you today?”

“Well,” I stutter a bit from the nerves but I quickly regain myself and continue talking, “I wanted to talk to you about Ria and the tour.”

“Harry, the doctor said that she needed to rest to recover and the best place to do that would be at home. She needs to do this for her wellbeing. Plus she’s got a university course to start! She needs to make some path of her own in her life. She can’t keep relying on Ashton and you. I just want the best for my daughter.” She says and I take in her words, understanding where she’s coming from.

“Well, Mrs Irwin, things just haven’t been the same round here. Everyone misses her; all of the One Direction and 5sos lads, Paul and the entire tour family. She’s created a special place in our hearts. I’m sure she misses us all just as much. I just wanted to suggest something to you. There are plenty of ways your daughter can study on the road. We are out most of the day anyway; she can stay back on the tour bus and study. Online courses are the thing nowadays. She can spend her time doing that. As for her recovery, it will be less stressful than going to a physical university and doing the course anyway. She can do it from the comfort of her own bed. I will personally make sure that she isn’t exerting herself and that she recovers. We’ve got some of the best doctors here on the road with us anyway. She will be fine.”  I tell her, hoping like hell that this works. There’s a brief silence on the line for a few moments and I gaze up at Ashton and he gazes at me in awe. The telephone crackles a bit before Mrs Irwin speaks up again.

“And I have complete assurance that you will take care of my daughter?” she asks.

“I would take a bullet for her, Mrs Irwin; I love her a lot more than I can even comprehend.”

“Well, considering she has you and Ashton who will protect her no matter what, I guess she can come back on tour though. I’d like to speak to Ashton once though.” She says and I leap in joy before handing the phone to Ash.

“Hi mum!” he squeaks like an excited five year old and I can’t help but smile, Ria is going to be back in my arms soon! Ashton talks to his mum for a few minutes before hanging up.

“We just talked about some arrangements for the tour and stuff. She’ll be here before the end of the week!” Ashton yells in excitement and I embrace him in another hug. I can’t wait, these four days need to go by faster and somehow, I know they will…

a/n heres your update before the new year :)) ~ emilly and ria 

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