Chapter 7

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It's been an hour. I saw Harry laying on the bed looking up at the wall.

" dad what's wrong?" I asked while looking for my sock.

" my mum is coming and she doesn't know about this" Harry said getting up from the bed

" oh, on an other note have you seen my sock"I said

Harry laughed. There was a knock on the door. Harry was shaking.

"Harry it's your mum" his mum said

Harry put me behind him, he went to answer the door. He opened the door.

" Harry my baby boy" his mum said

" ugh hi mum" he said

I giggled

" and Harry who's this adorable little girl" his mum said

" oh mum this is Emma I adopted her" Harry said

" hi" I smiled

" well hi I'm Harry's mum Anne" she said

" hi " I said once again

Harry, Anne and I sat on the sofa I sat in the middle of them.

" tell me about yourself emma" Anne asked

" umm well I'm 14, my birthday is in November. And I lived in a terrible house with my step father and mother and Harry saved me" I said with a smile.

Harry looked at me and smiled. He put his arm around me. I'd say he's the best father ever!

The boys had a show today. So I was able to go see the sound check. And the concert. Harry,his mum, and me left the room and headed to the lift(elevator) Harry held my hand. No paparazzi in sight. the three of us got in the car and drove off. the other boys whrere already there. we got to the area. it was huge. harry went to get changed and i was with his mum. which is my grandmother??. I'm confused with these things.

" umm Anne to I call you grandmother or Anne I just get confused with these things" I asked

" umm whatever you like love" she said

Anne walked somewhere. However Harry came back and he was in his "badass" outfit as the fans would say. He was wearing all over black with black boots and umm a bandana. Harry came behind me and put his lucky bandana on my hair.

" awe angel you look adorable!" Harry said

I rolled my eyes.

" Nialler can you take a photo with me and Emma?" He asked

" sure Harold" he said

I let out a little giggle and Harry rolled his eyes.

" smile baby" he said

We took the photo. Niall gave back harry his phone.


" Emma stay here" I said to her

She nodded. I went back to my dressing room to grab Emma's present, I bought her a iPhone. I ran back to her.

" Angel " I said I looked up she wasn't there

" EMMA" I yelled

" zayn have you seen emma?" I asked

" no sorry Harry" zayn said

I kept walking around. I asked everyone. My last chance was Lux or Lou. I walked over to the make up place. And thank The Lord I found her. She was getting her hair done by. Lou. I walked up to her.

" sorry dad" she said with a half smile

" angel you scared me to death, but it's ok" I said

" hi lux" I said

" har" she said

"Ok Harry I'm done with emma" Lou said

She came walking to me her hair was nicely curled like mine. I had to go get mine done.

" awe Angel you look beautiful" I said

She rolled her eyes and hugged me. I kissed her forehead. I told her to stay with lux as I went to go get my hair done. I walked in and sat down on the chair.

" so Harry that's your daughter?" She asked

" yep" I said

" Harry she beautiful" Lou said as she tried to comb though my curls

" yeah she's amazing" I said

" ok harry your done" she said

" thanks Lou" I said

I walked back to Emma. She got up and gave me a big hug

" what was that for?" I asked

" for the iPhone silly" she said

" oh yeah that" I said

" your the best dad in the world " she said as she kissed my cheek.

* 2 hours later *

" we've got a show to do boys" Paul said

"Wait wheres .Emma?" I asked

" she's over there with 5sos" Niall said

" oh" I said

She came walking up to me

" dad have a awesome show ill be with the boys from 5sos if you need me!" She said

" ok angel ill see you later" I said as I hugged her!




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