Chapter 6

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Emma's POV

Harry and I got up from the table. We started walking towards Claire's, I guess this was like an jewelry store. I've got to say its really pretty. But when we enter the store. I saw one direction things all over the place. I rolled my eyes at Harry. I bet he only took me here to get his stuff. I thought wrong.

" Emma do you want your ears pierced?" Harry asked

" ok" I said

I was scared. Don't they put something in your ear, to make the hole. The lady lead Harry and I to the chair, I sat down. Harry stood beside me. The lady came with the things to pierce my ears.

" it won't hurt love" Harry said

He could say that because the expression on my face. As the lady put in the thing to pierce my ears, I jumped. It didn't hurt that much. Anyhow she did my other ear and Harry was right it didn't hurt. Well ok only a bit. I got up from the chair Harry look at me again.

" what?" I asked

" nothing" Harry said he looked over to the one direction stuff

" ugh fine dad" I said.

He grabbed a Harry styles dog tag. I picked out 2 cute sets of earrings. Anyhow Harry paid and we got out.
I wondered to myself where are the paparazzi don't they always follow big stars. Harry was in front of me when we left Claire's. I turned around to look at something then I turned around again and I didn't see harry. I stayed in front of the store hoping he'd come back here. I looked down the mall I saw him taking a photo with a fan. I didn't mine my new dad was famous but I'm wondering if he would have time for me! Anyhow harry came walking toward me. I had a sacred look on my face. I looked worried.

" angel what's the matter?" Harry asked

" oh nothing dad " I said rolling my eyes

" ok umm let's go back to the hotel then angel " Harry said

" ok dad" I said


Is my angel mad at me or something. I only left her behind me to take a photo with a fan. But I think I should not leave her behind. I held her hand so she won't get lost. We headed to the car that we had to go in. Flashing lights were everywhere. I put my hand over her eyes, so she won't get blinded by them. I uncovered them when we got in the car. Some photographers were coming close to the car. Some fans were knocking on Emma window. I saw a fan sign. It said " let her go back to where she came from she doesn't belong with you" It said after that no more fans where around. Emma's hands were placed on her face.

" Emma" I said softly while Patting her hair

" yeah dad" she said, she looked up at me her eyes were red

" Angel don't listen to any of those comments that fans give you they are just jealous of how beautiful you are" I told her. I pulled her in to my chest.

" dad you really think that some of your fans like me?" She asked while looking up at me

" I'm not sure baby let me see" I told her

I pulled out my phone and checked twitter. Emma's head my rested on my shoulder. I scrolled though my mentions.

" look angel here's one" I said

@harry_styles : is that your daughter, let just say I'm happy for you and she beautiful! Love you
@mrsstyles23 ( sorry If that's your username it's made up so yeah)

" see Emma your always looking for those bad comments to see if your right about it, but if you always focus on those bad comments always look or the nice one ok" I told her I kissed her forehead. I pushed my phone back in my pocket. We got to the hotel there was no sign of the paparazzi. The bodyguards were there. I held out my hand for emma. The man came to carry our bags from the car. Emma and I headed to the lift ( elevator) when we got to our floor Paul was there.

" styles can I talk to you" Paul said.

"Sure" I said.

" Emma go back to the Room and stay with Niall ok" I told her

She nodded her head and left

" what's up Paul" I said

" who's she?" He asked

" my daughter" I said in a louder tone

" woah Harry" he said

I nodded my head and headers towards nialls room. I knocked on the door, Emma opened it

" hi Harold" he said

I rolled my eyes I didn't like being called Harold. Emma giggled

" what's So funny?" I asked her while putting my hands on my hips

" oh nothing dad" she said she rolled her eyes

" hey Harry she's your daughter right?" Niall asked

" yeah why?" I asked

" she's adorable" he said

" aw thanks niall" Emma said

She gave Niall a hug and came with me to our room. It was filled with shopping bags. My mum was coming to see me here so umm I'm not sure how I'm gonna tell her I adopted Emma. Well this is going to be hard.



~Emmy/Emily/Emma <3 : )

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