Chapter 34

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Luke's Pov
I started giggling when I hit harry with the pillow. I thought we were going after john later tonight. Emma was still sleeping. I didn't want to wake her up. I tried moving and not making any noise. I got up from the bed. I turned around to see if emma was sleeping. She was still out like a light. I walked downstairs, I met Harry downstairs

"Morning Harry" I said while fixing my hair

"Morning Luke, sleep well?" he said

"Yes I did" I told him

"You really love my daughter don't you?" he asked in a weird why

"Yes I really do Harry" I said

"So what time are we going
To look for John" I added

"When Emma-" he said Emma just came down

"When I what?" she asked

"Oh nothing angel, goodmorning" Harry said

"Oh ok, good morning then" she said

"Morning baby" I said while giving her a peak on the cheek.

"Oh morning lukey" she said

Emma's pov

Harry and Luke looked very ignorant. I dont know why but they do. What we're they doing? I have no clue, every time I would come Downstairs, they'd be shhhhing each other. Things were getting Strange in this household, I have no Idea why? but it is. Luke and I ate.

"Baby why don't we go out today?" he asked

"Sure luke" I answered.

i walked up to my room, and changed in to a crew neck and jeans, and toms. luke and i walked out hand and hand, in to the streets.

"Emma" he said softly

"yes luke" I repiled

" i love you" he said

"Love you to luke" i answered

we walked in to the nearest starbucks and ordered our drinks. we sat down and talked,

"Luke, what has been going on between you and Harry?" I asked

"Nothing to worry about babe" he said as he held my hand.

"Ok Luke, I trust you" I said in a scared voice.

We walked out of Starbucks hand and hand. Luke and I took a stroll down the park. it was fall, so leaves were everywhere. it was almost time for lunch. Luke and I walked back to the house,

"You two came back quick" Gemma said"

"Haha yeah I guess" I shrugged.

"Emma why don't we go to your bedroom and sort out something" Gemma told me

"Oh ok" I said

Harry pov

"Emma" I said

"Yeah dad" she answered softly

"Had a good day?" I asked her

"Yes dad I did" she answered me

She walked upstairs with my sister

"Ok Luke what are the plans for tonight?" I asked

"Did you get the information about him?" Luke asked me

"Yes I did" I said I passed him the envelope.

"Harry he should be by the tattoo shop down like 3 blocks away from here, he's a drug dealer" Luke said

"Why Don't we do some investigation" I insisted

"Investigation on what?" Emma asked with her arms folded

"Nothing baby girl" I answered

"Ok dad you know I trust you." she said

She walked back upstairs

"That was close" I whispered.

"It was indeed" Luke said

"There's still some daylight why don't we, just wait until dark, he's by the tattoo place everyday from 10pm until 12am." Luke said

"So lets leave at 9:30 so we can see how he gets there" I said

"Alright Harry" Luke said

Lukes pov

It was almost 9:30 I was scared as fuck. harry told me to go check on Emma before we left. I walked to her room. she was sleeping so softly, I kissed her forehead and left. Harry and I wore all over black. I took the car to the place. we hid behind the wall, so no one would see us

"Ayooooooo my brother what's up" John said to the boy who was walking towards him.

"Naw, nothin much, bro" some guy said

"So where's my money" John said

"Here, where are my drugs?"

John handed him his drugs, then they both walked off in different directions.

There was something about this guy I hate, wait I hate everything about this guy. Harry and I walked back to the car and drove home. about 25 minutes after we got home. the lights to the kitchen were on. Harry and I got out of the car. Harry took his keys out and unlocked the door. we walked in. Emma was curled up on the sleeping. I smiled.

"Luke carry her upstairs" Harry whispered to me.

I nodded my head. I picked her up ad carried her up to her room. I laid her down. and covered her with the blanket.

"Luke" she said with her half awake and half asleep voice.

"Baby go back to bed" I said

I changed. I Laid down beside her. I wrapped my arms around her.

"Goodnight emma" I said as I kissed her forehead

"Night Luke" she said


Hope you enjoy this chapter!!!! today is my birthday yay!!!!! Midnight memories is amazing ~Emmy

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