Chapter 62

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Sorry for any errors read authors note please

Emma's POV
Okay woah. So nick is his father also, so he's my brother? What the fuck. This is more confusing then me finding out my father is alive. I give the lady back his file and walk back to the table. I shake off whatever I just read. I sit back down. "Here babe I got you a cookie" he says. I give him a smile. "Thanks babe" I say. I give him a kiss on the cheek. "Find anything about Henry?" He asked, "yeah" I tell him. "And?" He asked. "Yeah we are related" I tell him.
Harry's pov
as I walk back to the table I see Emma. She looks like her heart has been broken again. I walk over to the table. "Emma" I say. She looks up at me. "Yeah dad" she says. "Are you okay?" I ask her. "Yeah fine" she said as she sniffles. Luke walks back to the table. "Luke what happened to Emma?" I asked him. "She's not feeling well" he tells me. "Why don't you take her home" I tell him. "Yeah I'll take her home" he says. "Harry just between you and me, Henry and Emma are related" he tells me. "I knew something was off" I tell him. He nods
Luke's pov
I go to Emma. "Baby lets go home" I tell her. She nods. She gets up hugs Harry and Ashton goodbye, we both walk out. I get the car keys from my pocket and start up the car. I get buckled up. Emma is beside me.
We get to the house, I park the car. We walk out the car I lock the car. We both walk inside. As we enter the house. Everyone looks at us. Luke where is Harry, Ashton and Ria?" Paul asked me "at the hospital" I tell him. He nods. Emma and I walk up to our room. "I'm gonna to take a shower" Emma says. I nod my head. I lay down on the bed. I grab my phone. I started scrolling down twitter.
"Hey @luke5sos your girlfriend is a slut why the fuck are you dating her" @5sos_baby
@luke5sos you should break up with Emma and go for someone new because she's ugly and fat @hemmo_128392
"@luke5sos don't listen to the haters I love you and Emma a lot, you guys are the perfect couple. #emke" @luke_penguin
I go to compose a tweet. "Guys please stop hating on my girlfriend I love her so much, it hurts like hell to see her get hate. Please stop it" I tweet.
I put down my phone and wait for Emma to finish her shower.

Hey guys I'm doing a quick update for you guys.

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Okay bye

-Emily & Ria

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