Chapter 68

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HELLO READERS READ A/N at the End of the book please! Ily!

Ria's POV:

It seems so lonely in my bedroom. I feel like it's been months since I've last been here, well it has. It's been forever since I last slept in my own bed, sat at my own table and done some work, sat in the window seat and read a book on a rainy morning. It's little things I've missed.

I lie on my bed and recollect all that's happened to me during the past couple of months, everything from going on tour with Ashton to meeting Harry and Emma to dating Harry and so forth. How time flies when you're having fun...and now this. I'm stuck at home in Australia for the next I-don't-know-how-many months away from my boyfriend, brother and friends. Of course I have Lauren and my brother Harry and mum too but it just isn't the same. Being here with my injuries, I feel confined like some sort of animal in a zoo exhibit. Mum won't let me go outdoors as much because she's worried about me and she'll be extra careful about everything I do at home as well. On top of that, I have also got the stress of starting uni. Oh lord. Everything is being piled upon me at once.

As if he knew that I was stressing out, Harry Skype calls me. I hear the familiar Skype tone filling my ears and I look up at my laptop and smile.

'Harry Styles is calling'.

The words flash upon the screen of my computer and I can't help but smile. Never had I imagined that I would fall so hard for someone that I would smile whenever they call me. To not keep him waiting, I answer and all of a sudden the face I grew to know too well appears on the screen. The emerald eyes, the curly hair, that cheeky smile. We just stare at each other for minutes before actually saying anything, well Harry says something.

"Hello love, how are you?"

"Fine I guess, how's tour?"

"Tour's's rather quiet now but yeah everything is going alright. How are things going back home?"

"It's seems scarily silent here. I guess I just grew so used to the tour family that I forgot what it is like to actually be back home in my own bedroom."

"Yeah, everybody misses you here. Ashton has been keeping to himself lately, not the usual jumpy happy lad."

"I miss him too. I miss you so much too Harry."

"I would be lying if I said I didn't miss you either."

I look away from the screen as a reminder flashes on my phone.


"Oh darn" I say aloud and Harry greets me with a puzzled look.

"Is everything alright love?"

"Well, I kind of have to finalise what course I am going to be taking at uni and I'm really confused because there are so many options."

"You had an interest in social sciences right?"

"Yeah but mum wants me to do something like biology or chemistry. Honestly I don't get those subjects at all. I never really had an interest in the science theoretical stuff. I'm more of a geographer and I'm so confused right now. Like I don't want to disappoint mum but yeah."

"Babe, you're an adult now. You can make your own decisions. Sure you should take you mother's words into account but honestly this is your life. You have to decide what you're going to do for a living and trust me, if you go down the road and do something which you aren't passionate about then you're going to have a hard time later on. If you're passionate about geography and the social sciences then don't look back and just do it."

"How do you make things so easy!" I smile, Harry is literally my life line right now. I don't know what I'd do without him. He is like the supportive best friend that you go to for advice yet he is also my one and only. What can I say, maybe I got lucky.

"I don't know. I guess that I just have a way with words. Hey you know, I wrote a song about us the other day. I'm gonna play it to you when we see each other again."

"I can't wait babe!"

"Yeah, we were just jamming out on the guitars the other day, writing some stuff for the new album and Niall just started playing this incredible set of chords and then I had this lyric and it kinda just went on from there. It's not going to be on the album though, it's a personal song. Just for you and I". He is so cute. The whole time when Harry was saying that, his face lit up like a child's on Christmas day.

"Did I ever tell you how cute you are?"

"Nope, not until now actually."

"Well you are very cute Mr Styles."

"Why thank you, kind lady" by now we're just cracking up.

"I got to go now babe, we have to do some recording for the new album."

"Go! Have fun."

"I will, I miss you and I love you. See you soon."

"Yes hopefully, I miss you and I love you too."

"Bye Ria."

"Bye Harry."

And just like that, we disconnect. I like the fact that we're not one of those you-hang-up-first couples. Yes our relationship contains a certain level of attachment, but we're not clingy. We understand that we have individual needs and we respect that.

Taking Harry's advice into mind, I fill out my course selection form for uni.

His words ring in my mind.

'You're an adult now. You can't do something you're not passionate about. This is your life. You can make your own decisions.'

And with that I finally choose my course, the one that I originally wanted.

Luke's pov

As we get to the hotel Emma doesn't say a word to me she's been too quite. I know something's up. As we pull up to the hotel fans surrounded us. I grab Emma's hand and walk inside. As we get to our room Emma just lays down her suitcase and lies on the bed. "baby what's wrong?" I asked her "nothing" she mumbles I lay on the bed with her also. I pull her in to a tight cuddle. I hear her sob "okay em something's up" "Henry and I are brother and sister" she says. my eyes open widely "this could be a mistake" I say "nope Paul said it himself" she says She raises her head to face me, "damn it I got your shirt wet" she says "hey it's okay I have plenty more shirts that you can soak with your tears and I don't even care" I tell her I tell out a laugh "I love you luke" she say "I love you too my forever and always"

HELLO Welcome to another amazing chapter. Thank you all for the reads and comments and votes. this really means a lot to me! thank you to Ria that's helps me write these book. This book will come to a end soon alright ilysm remember to comment share vote and YEAH! Read my new calum fanfic called addict alright byeee IGOT TICKETS TO 5SOS IN TORONTO WHEN ARE YOUR TOUR DATES!!! Okay byeeee -Emily and Ria!

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