Chapter 63

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Emma's pov
I come out of the shower, I change in to my undergarments and one of Luke's shirts. I walk to the bed. I lay beside him. He looks up at me. "Luke are you alright?" I asked "yeah baby I'm fine" he says in a steady voice. "Luke are you sure" I ask him once again. He nods and kisses my forehead. I smile, he pulls me to his chest. I lay my head on his collarbone. I kiss his cheek. A smile forms on his lips. I look up at him and crash my lips on to his. "I love you" I say to him "I love you most of all Emma" he tells me back. My eyes close as I go in to a deep sleep.

Ashton's pov

It's 8 in the morning and Harry and I are still at the hospital it's been 2 days and Ria still hasn't woken up yet. Harry is sleeping, I sit down beside him. Before I close my eyes I hear a girl let out a giggle, this giggle I know, my eyes open to Lauren. Harry and my mother. I stand up quickly "when did you guys get here?" I question them "last night Ashton" Harry says. "We where at the house" my mum tells me. I smile at both if them. "Is Ria going to be okay?" Lauren asked "she will be" I tell her. I bend down to look at Harry. "Hey bud don't cry she will be alright" I tell him. I pull him in to a hug. Tears also fall from Lauren's eyes. I bend down to her height "don't cry" I say as I try and calm her down. "Why don't you and Harry go back to the house a get some sleep your brother and sister and I will stay here alright ash" my mother tells me I nod "mum why don't you and I stay here and Harry takes Lauren and Harry back to the house" I tell her.
She nods her head. In agreement. . I poke Harry. His eyes Open "what" he blurted out "oh hello ms irwin" he say "hello Harry" she says "Harry why don't you take Lauren and Harry back to the house and and get some rest and I'll call you later" I tell him he nods and walks out with Harry and Lauren. My mum and I sit down. "How she doing?" She asked "Ria she's getting better" I tell her the doctor approaches us "you must be Ria's mother" the doctor says to my mum. She nods and shake his hand. "Alright from what I'm seeing with her testing she will wake up soon" he tells us I smile. tears rush down my mothers face. "As in soon I mean in a day or two" he informs us. We both nod our heads. And sit back down. I let out a big sigh.

Harry's pov
I take Harry and Lauren back to the car so we can go back to the house, I just feel so sleepy. I try and drive back to the house, it takes me about an hour to get there I park the car in the garage and walk in. I'm lucky no one was awake yet. Lauren and Harry quickly go back to their rooms and I walk back to me and Ria's room. I check on Emma's and luke. They both are sleep cuddled next to each other I smile at the sight. I open the door and walk in. I take a quick shower, I Change and lay down on the bed. It feels so empty without Ria. I sigh. I put my
Phone to charge on the night stand.
As my eyes are about to close my phone rings.
"Hello" I say through the phone
"Harry you need to come here quick" Ashton yells in to the phone.


A/N new update for you guys! Yay! So I'm not update anymore until I'm done with exams and my problems with myself are sorted out. So yeah. You might have to wait until July probably for a new chapter or next week. Anyhow comment (PRETTY PLEASE ILL GIVE YOU PIZZA) share and vote (I'll give you more pizza) sorry if there are any errors in updating from my phone. Alright

-Emily & Ria!

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