Chapter 38

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Harry's pov 

The door swung open, a man in blacked watched in, I think I was a policemen. 

"Emma Samantha Scott" The man asked

"Yes" Emma said 

"Who are you?" I asked 

"I need Emma to come down to the police station" the man said

“what why" she said 

"Mr.styles you also need to come” he said 

Emma and I got up and walked over to the police officer, he told me to talk my own car there. When we got there they took Emma and I to a room. Two people sat in there, two people that look familiar. I Emma sat down beside me, 

"Emma do you know these people?" the man asked Emma

"My parents" she said

"So who’s harry?" he asked

"My new and better father" she said

I smiled

"Emma but were your parents" Jake said (her Step Father) 

"NONONON you are not, you use to abuse me and---" she said tears came out 

"How did they abuse you Emma?" the officer asked her

"how, well Jake would beat me, and Lisa (mother) would give me barely nothing to eat, I have bruise from Jake, i-i-i- never got to do things like other teenage girls, the lied to me about my age, and they would never ever let me get clothing" she said he put her head on the table 

"How does harry treat you?" he asked

"Harry treats me like a princess, he gives me allot of food, proper education, gets me none ripped clothing, loves me and treats me like a human, not a slave."Emma said 

"Harry" the man said

"Yes" I said 

"You need to sign some papers to say that you Emma’s new father." he said 

"Alight" I said

"Jake and Lisa welcome to jail" the officer said

Emma's Pov

A YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS popped in to my head, when they were going to jail. I smiled at harry. This is the best present ever

"You'll come visit right?" Jake asked

"HELL NO" I said proudly 

I walked back to the car with harry.

When we got home everyone asked what happened

"Let’s welcome the official Emily Samantha Styles" harry said 

I smiled

"My parents are in jail" I said 

Gasped happened all around the room. 



New update cause I’m bored!!!! Read my new Ashton Irwin fanfic pleaseeeeeeeee okay thanks




Harry's pov 

The door swung open, a man in blacked watched in, I think I was a policemen. 

"Emma Samantha Scott" The man asked

"Yes" Emma said 

"Who are you?" I asked 

"I need Emma to come down to the police station" the man said

“what why" she said 

"Mr.styles you also need to come” he said 

Emma and I got up and walked over to the police officer, he told me to talk my own car there. When we got there they took Emma and I to a room. Two people sat in there, two people that look familiar. I Emma sat down beside me, 

"Emma do you know these people?" the man asked Emma

"My parents" she said

"So who’s harry?" he asked

"My new and better father" she said

I smiled

"Emma but were your parents" Jake said (her Step Father) 

"NONONON you are not, you use to abuse me and---" she said tears came out 

"How did they abuse you Emma?" the officer asked her

"how, well Jake would beat me, and Lisa (mother) would give me barely nothing to eat, I have bruise from Jake, i-i-i- never got to do things like other teenage girls, the lied to me about my age, and they would never ever let me get clothing" she said he put her head on the table 

"How does harry treat you?" he asked

"Harry treats me like a princess, he gives me allot of food, proper education, gets me none ripped clothing, loves me and treats me like a human, not a slave."Emma said 

"Harry" the man said

"Yes" I said 

"You need to sign some papers to say that you Emma’s new father." he said 

"Alight" I said

"Jake and Lisa welcome to jail" the officer said

Emma's Pov

A YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS popped in to my head, when they were going to jail. I smiled at harry. This is the best present ever

"You'll come visit right?" Jake asked

"HELL NO" I said proudly 

I walked back to the car with harry.

When we got home everyone asked what happened

"Let’s welcome the official Emily Samantha Styles" harry said 

I smiled

"My parents are in jail" I said 

Gasped happened all around the room. 



New update cause I’m bored!!!! Read my new Ashton Irwin fanfic pleaseeeeeeeee okay thanks




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