Chapter 31

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Perviously on adopted by Harry styles

"It was..." Gemma said

Emma's pov

"It was" Gemma says

"Gem who was it?" I asked her

"Some guy name John" she told me

"Wait does he go to my high school?" I asked

"Yes" Gemma Said

Luke looked at me, tears rushed down my face,luke pulled me in to a tight hug.

"You know him emma?" Harry asked

"Yes dad I do" I said sadly

"How?" he asked again

"He erm, tried to ask me out" I said

"Oh" Harry said

"That jerk" luke said

"Emma why don't I take you up to bed?" Anne asked me

"Ok,goodnight guys" I said

"Night Emma" everyone said

Luke's POV

After Anne took Emma upstairs, I walked outside, I stood on the balcony. That John kid was a jerk, he almost killed Emma. I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned around, Harry stood beside me.

"You alright mate?" he asked

"Yeah" I said

"Tell me about the John kid?" Harry asked

"Well, he wanted to date Emma and he almost sexual touched her" I told Harry

"Oh shit" Harry said

"Yep" i said

"Boys why don't you come inside" Anne said

We both nodded our heads, we walked inside.

"Luke why don't you go check on Emma" Harry said

"Oh alright" I said

I walked upstairs, I entered the room, Emma was out like a light. I walked out

"Luke" I heard a voice call

"Yeah baby" I said

"Can you come next to me?" she asked

"Okay babe" I said

I took off my pants and top. I only had my boxers on. I laid down beside her, she came up close to me. I wrapped my arms around her,

"I missed you babe" I told her

"I missed you to Lukey bear" she said

I kissed her forehead.

"Goodnight" she said

"Goodnight love" I said

Harry's pov

I can't believe someone who would do this. My poor little girl, I asked luke to check up one her, but he hasn't come down get, I guess I'd got upstairs and see what's happening, I walked up, I opened the door quietly, Emma and Luke were asleep. I smiled, I shut back the door. they were to cute. I walked back downstairs. I laid on the sofa, I pulled the blanket and fell asleep.

*the next morning* (still Harry's pov)

I woke up to laughter, a laughter I haven't heard for a while. Emma's laugh, I missed her cute giggle. her and Luke were sitting on the sofa opposite to me. I opened my eyes I let out a groan

"Ops sorry dad didn't mean to wake you" Emma said

"You didn't wake me" I told her

"I've made breakfast, I left some food for you on the able, Gemma and Anne went to the supermarket" she told me

"Ok angel" I told her


Ha new update I got bored!! hope you enjoy this chapter! ~Emmy

OMG over 6k reads!!!!! Thank you



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