•Chapter One•

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"Abigail Moore, your mother is ready to be seen," said the police officer in the bulky uniform. His hand was pointed into the direction of where my mother was supposed to be.
My aunt Claire stood up behind me and lightly touched my back so I was pushed into the direction of where my mom was.
I walked down the brick-walled hallway passing all of the dirty, leaky jail cells. One of them had three men and one woman and it looked as if they were about to hurt her. I never thought it was legal to put opposite genders in a jail cell. Maybe it was a male. I drew my attention away from that jail cell when I was brought to the sight of my mother, at the very end of the hallway. She was in the biggest jail cell of them all, and she was angry as all hell. She banged against the cell bars and punched the wall with her bare fists as if she was trying to escape. She looked like a mad man in female form.
I lightened my footsteps as I reached her territory. My footsteps were quieter so I began to scare myself with my own breathing. I was nervous now. Nervous of my own mother. She didn't look the same when I looked closely at her. She had scratches all over her face and up her neck. Bruises lined the sides of her arms and ran up her shins. What had happened to her that I was clearly unaware of?
"Mom," I said with a shivered innocent tone.
She turned to me and it seemed as if her eyes turned red. Once she saw me and realized who I was, she calmed herself and she stood up straight and walked towards me.
"Abby?" She reached out with her large skinned hands and began to aim towards my face. "Is...is that you?"
"Mom?" My tone changed completely and I was a bit more relieved now. "Are...are you alright?"
"I'm...I'm alright." She paused and pulled her hands away. "What are you doing here?" Her tone seemed to darken.
"Aunt Claire brought me here so I could see you," I said after I took a step back.
She turned away from the cell bars and started to walk to the little wood bench in the corner of the room. "Oh." She stopped walking and stood still for a minute. "Aunt...Aunt Claire?"
I began to worry why she was questioning me. "Well...yeah I live with her now."
"You...you do?"
"Well yeah."
She sighed and dropped her hands to her side.
My Aunt Claire walked up behind me with a smile on her face.
"Alright Abby we have to go sweetie," she said as she grabbed my hand and began to walk me back down the hallway. She stopped in her tracks and pulled me back so she could speak again.
"Say bye to mommy," she said still facing forward.
"Bye bye mommy," I said waving my hands.
Aunt Claire walked up to my mom's jail cell and spoke to her sister.
"I'll keep Abby safe for you, Hannah."
My mom looked at her with the same red eyes I thought she had given me.
"What was that Claire?"
"I'll keep Abby safe," she said with a flatter tone.
My mom walked up to aunt Claire and quickly threw her right hand up at Claire's face and grabbed her throat so hard that her hands began to sweat, and I could see the veins bulging from Aunt Claire's neck. 
"Aunty Claire!" I yelled scared and frightened by such a horrible sight.
"Do one thing to her and you're next," she said in the most foggy and dark voice ever. Her teeth grit really hard and I heard her knuckles crack as she tightened her grip. What if that was actually something in aunt Claire's neck? "I swear I will. Don't doubt me or what I say."
She released her grip and Claire fell to the ground.
"Help!" I yelled. "Police!"
A group of police officers started to run down the hallway and helped each other pick up Claire.

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