•Chapter Thirty-Two•

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"Would you like to hold him?" Asked Katie pulling the baby out of its bed.
    "Oh yes please!" I said excited more than ever. It amazed me how such a beautiful creature that was now my own had just been given the gift of life. And I gave it that gift with the help of Cam. Who knew it was so amazing to feel this way. I looked up and saw Cam next to the bed, and I held the baby a short distance from my arms as it slept. He walked over carefully and picked it up and held it the same way I did. At first, he seemed unaware of what would happen once he held it, but once it was in his arms, his eyes lit up, and it seemed as if his heart did too. I had never seen Cam so happy to see another person.
    Nurse Katie kneeled down beside me and began to speak. "So sweetie. I'm going to need to inform you of only a couple of things, and ask a couple random and some weird questions. This is only to fill out your paperwork."
    I shrugged my shoulders. "Alright what are they."
    "Alright so first of all, if you were wondering, which I'm assuming you were, you were given a c-section to help assure your health and the baby's health as well. We did numerous surgeries on your baby boy because of how early he was born and we barely saved his life. So, in case of health problems in the future, we're going to have to ask you to bring him in once a week just to assure he's healthy."
    Oh so that's how it happened.
    "Secondly, your baby is very healthy and he is doing very well currently. So, congratulations!"
     "Thank you."
     "We also want you two to practice safe sex from now on seeing both of you either don't have parents in close proximity, or at all. And, because you're only sixteen."
    We both blushed and nodded our heads.
    "Also, we have a couple people here to see you."
People? For me?
She opened the door and my father and sister walked in. I began to tear up seeing them okay, and it was just as nice seeing them again as it was seeing Cameron. They ran over and hugged me so tight, I couldn't breath, but the truth is, I didn't care. I had never loved people so much, and it was nice to know that my family was somewhat normal again. I felt normal. For the first time in a long time.
Once they released me, Katie dragged my attention to her again. "So my last question is, what are you going to name him?"
I didn't even turn to Cam. I immediately decided my answer. "We're going to name him Cameron."

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