•Chapter Twenty-Five• (Cam)

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After multiple attempts to find my way back, clearly, I didn't know where I was. I went north, east, south, and west but neither of the directions brought me to any close encounters with signs of life. If I could just find some service, everything would be okay. Better, at least. It was about mid day now and I was starving. How on earth did I end up so far from her mother's house? The sun was beating hot on my face and I could feel a sunburn already. It must have been ninety degrees at least.
I decided that now, I would just walk in a random direction, may it be north east, south east, south west, or north west, and see if I saw anything else. When I walked north west, I saw my first sign of something lively. An oak tree. I ran towards it and immediately sat under it, grabbing some of the sticks that had fallen beneath it. I picked up some leaves as well and bunch them all together and made myself a little fan looking thing that I could hold over my head and cool myself off with. I was honestly pretty proud of myself.
Then, something fell on my head.
"Ow! Damn you what the fu..." I paused at the sight of what it was. "Apple." I grinned and jumped up. "Yes I won't starve...for now that is."
I wandered further north west in spite of looking for a river or pond. I found a small river, but I also caught sight of buildings. I ran towards them immediately in sight of people. Maybe there were people out...wherever this was.
Once I reached one of the closest buildings, I walked into it to see a man with a bandana tied around his forehead.
"Sir! Sir!"
He acted as if he didn't understand me.
"How can I help you?" He asked putting down the things in his hand. He spoke fluent English but I could barely understand what he was saying.
"Do you have any idea where this is and where we are right now?"
He laughed as if I was stupid then put his hands to his hips. "I'm sorry son, I can't help you right now I'm working."
I didn't stop bothering him, and I wouldn't until he answered me. "What state is this?"
He laughed again. "Kid, this is Ohio."
My heart dropped. I wasn't in Maine? "What? Then where am I?"
     He completely ignored my question. "Well I have to continue with my work. Go before they see you on fields," he said shooing me.
I walked away, but didn't stop thinking about this situation. How the hell did I end up in Ohio over such a short period of time? It couldn't have been Ginger's mom because she's with her.
    Then it came to me who was in charge of this crazy mess.

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