•Chapter Twenty-Six•

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     I look up into the sky as I see the puffy clouds for the first time in days. Nothing has happened. Nothing good, anyways. We've attempted multiple escapes leading up to this one. My mother has fed us, and kept us alive, but she's just waiting for the perfect moment to kill us all. I am easily losing weight and the bones in my body are beginning to show a more skeletal figure. It's frightening to know that my own mother would ever even care to worry so much about something like us, seeing she is literally one of the worst people I have ever met, but it's also surprising to know that she cares a little enough to keep us from dying for such a long time.
     We have all been trapped here for three days attempting multiple escapes. Where Cam is beats me, but also worries me very much. I've cried many nights in my father and sister's arms just waiting for him to come and hoping that he's alright. They comfort me and nurture me just like any parent would, and should, when you're upset. It makes me happy to know the rest of my family cares enough to hold me when I'm sad, but it's saddening to know that it's been three days, and Cam hasn't given any signs that he's okay. But today, today is the day. The day that we escape for real. It's been longer than I can imagine since we have actually tasted freedom and we have decided to make our final attempt in escaping my mother. It feels like it's been more than three days, but something tells me it hasn't been longer than that. No, we haven't really attempted well ever before yet, but those were all tests. Tests to see what my mother could take, what she could do to us, and what she couldn't do and couldn't take. All of those things, they helped us to determine our route for this day.
"Are you two ready?" asked Julia as we slipped on dark clothing in the corner of the room. We made dark-colored suits out of all of the clothing she's given us daily. "She will not be down here again tonight because she already came down with our soup at five. As long as we don't make noise, she won't be coming."
     My father nodded as I just stood, while they waited for some sort of response from me. "Are you ready, Abby?" my father asked as he knelt down and placed his hand on my shoulder.
     I sighed. "Yes I guess so."
     "Cameron?" he asked with a saddened tone and look. I nodded at his question and began to tear up a bit. He sighed like I did. "Look, sweetheart. I know you loved him, and he loved you lots, but I think Cam would want you to live. Trust me."
     "But," I whimpered. "But I want him to live more than me. I can't live without him. Please dad I don't want to go anywhere without him."
     "Abby," started Julia. "Cameron probably loved you lots, but what if he is still alive? He will be happy to know that you saved yourself so you two can live the rest of your lives together."
     "What if he's dead," I said blankly. Following my blank tone, followed Julia and my father's blank expression.
    "Um, er," began Julia not knowing how to respond to my shitty mood. "I bet he's not. He wouldn't give up on someone as wonderful as you and a love as true as your's. If you would just trust me, Abigail."
     I kept my eyes locked onto the floor and thought about all of this. I came to my decision. "I will come."
      They began to show excited expressions.
     "But. But, if Cameron isn't alive, I will commit suicide. Simple."
     "Uhm, no. No you won't. Cameron would want you alive. You couldn't do such a thing to someone, and multiple people for that matter, who love you," said my father proud of his statement.
     "Or, yourself," Julia concluded.
     I understood, but something about this all wanted to make me kill myself in the first place. A life like this shouldn't be lived. I shouldn't have to suffer like this. "I'll go."
     "Then we must begin this plan or else we'll have to be quicker while doing it so we don't reach morning when it's light." My father lead the way to the start of our plan. The plan that would lead me to find out whether or not Cam was dead.

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