•Chapter Five•

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    I opened the car door and plopped my body into the driver's seat. The feeling of sitting on what felt like a different seat than what I had originally sat on felt amazing. I felt superior to Cam once he sat down in the passengers seat.
    "Okay, put the keys in," he said pushing his hand out in the direction of my hands that had the keys folded inside of them.
    "Okaaayyyy," I said darting my eyes around the steering wheel area. "How do I do that?"
    Cam let out a little chuckle that made me feel stupid. "Here." He slid the key into the hole the correct way. He didn't have any trouble, either. Not like I was having. He obviously knew what he was doing. "Now, you're going to look down beneath the steering wheel. See those pedals?"
    I nodded my head as I looked down around the car mat. There were two pedals, one small on the right, and one fairly large on the left.
    "While you're driving, the pedal you want to keep your foot on to go is that one to your right," he said with his hand only hovering a couple inches over my right foot. "The one to your left is the brake. Use this to stop the car. Also, when you're hitting the brake, take your foot off the gas. And, only use your right foot to drive. Never use both unless you're in a really sticky situation. You don't have to slam the brakes to slow down or stop just gradually push your foot down further as you get closer to where you need to stop, okay?"
    I understood so I nodded my head and he seemed to relax a bit more.
    "Also," he said hopping out of the car and opening the door to my side of the car. "Here." He pulled this button that shifted the chair back more so I was a little bit further from the steering wheel. "Now you don't look like a T-Rex."
I laughed and waited for him to return to his side of the vehicle. Once he sat down, I began to lightly push my foot down on the gas. The car moved and I shivered a little inside. I took a deep breath in. You can do this. Just concentrate and take your time. I pushed the pedal a slight bit harder and I began to go faster.
     "To put your left blinker on hit that lever down and to put the right blinker on push it up."
      I did as he said and then pulled into the street trying to stay on the right side of the road.
"Good," Cam said as I stayed inside the lines. Not to brag or anything, but for my first time driving, I was doing quite well. "Sooner or later, you'll be a master! Driving on the highway that is."
I giggled at his joke but then stopped laughing once I realized how scary the thought of driving on the highway would be.
"Alright try driving on Cedar Street," he said pointing to my left. Cedar Street was one of the creepiest, and most curvy roads I knew. Driving up it, oh lord.
"Are...are you sure?" I asked seeming a bit weak with my question.
"Aw, what are you scared? Would you rather go on the highway?" He questioned with a grin.
I shook my head and began to drive up the road. Passing by the old, empty houses made me feel nervous. What if there were creeps in any of those houses. As we passed by a dark red, destroyed house, memories seemed to fade into my light and I couldn't seem to pull them into full prospective.
    "Abigail, your father is gone. He doesn't like you, or me. I can't let you live alone and it's pretty obvious you don't want to be here," a tall, dark-haired woman said to me sternly in the living room.
     "But mom, why did he leave?" I asked being a confused, young girl. Why would my own father dislike me and my mother enough to leave us?
    "Because! Don't ask questions! Unless you want me to hurt you, shut your mouth!" She yelled as she began to pull a knife from a close by drawer.
    I carefully backed up and began to whimper. Why was my own mother trying to hurt me? Her daughter! "I don't want any trouble, mom. I just think it would be better if I were to live with Auntie."
    "What," she said in a flat tone. It was so flat it scared me.
    "I-I just think I want to live with Auntie." I paused at the thought of how much nicer living with her would be. I would get to live a normal life without being scared of my own family.
    She slowly walked closer to me and began to pull the knife a bit closer to her side. I found myself getting closer to the wall, until I was being fully pressed against it. There was no escape. "W-what are you doing to me mom! Please," I hollered shakily. "Don't hurt me!"
"I told you I don't care to hear from you!" She yelled as she attempted in stabbing my arm. A shot of pain was expected, but didn't occur as I dodged the knife with instinct.
I ran for the front door to escape but pain shot through my back. I turned my head a little to see that there was a foot on my back.
Her foot pressed hard on my spine and I winced in pain. Who knew such a weak-looking, shriveled up woman could inflict so much pain. Without any trouble, I forced myself to lift up my own body and made my way upward straight. She stared blankly at me as if she expected me to do something.
"Abigail, if you want to live, go get me my drugs," she said in a raspy tone. My mother was addicted strongly to painkillers and other drugs I didn't really know. They all looked different. She would always force me to beg people for them, seeing that I was a young girl, that would be easy. Although you would think that getting the drugs would be easy, it's actually worse than it seems. Men would only accept giving me drugs if I had sex with them. Being young, and gullible, I thought this was helping someone or doing something good for someone. Even though it wasn't.
I opened the door and ran. And ran and ran and ran and ran. Nothing stopping me. Nothing at all. My mother didn't even try to catch up, either. "You'll be sorry when I find you dead on the side of Cedar Street!" She yelled as I ran down the road.
As I ran, I kept looking behind me to see if anything was around me. When I turned, I saw a tree about two feet away from me and I ran into it full speed.
"Abby!" Cam hollered shaking me out of my strange hallucination. It wasn't just him shaking me that snapped me out of it, though. It was the fact that we were about to drive down the curb into Brett Creek, which was down at the bottom of this ledge. The ledge we were hurdling towards.

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