•Chapter Seven•

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I wake up to the sound of birds chirping, and Cam breathing heavily. Maybe he was dreaming. Realizing that we had to find a way back to Cedar Street, or some way out in general, I would have to wake Cam up.
Remembering last night, I really wanted to touch his hair again. As I reached out to do so, something caught my eye. I looked down at Cam's hand and saw a major cut that was surrounded with dry blood and dirt. How did I miss that? I dug through the back of his car to see if there was anything I could use now, or in the future. To the right and left of me were two little pockets with different things in them. The one on the left seemed to have a First Aid Kit. And to the right was feminine care products. Why would Cam have pads and tampons in his vehicle? I shook my head and wiped away my thoughts and concentrated on the First Aid Kit. I opened it and I saw literally almost everything I needed. There were band-aids, wrapping, creams, cotton, everything. I looked around to see if there was any water. Was there? There didn't seem to be. I had an idea though. It was risky, but it might work. I picked up the cotton from the First Aid Kit, and stood up. I hopped forward into the main back seats, and opened the left hand door as carefully as possible, trying not to make any forceful movements. The car didn't move, and I saw what I needed. There was no need to go anywhere. The dew on the window was all I needed. I ran the cotton up the window until it was wet enough. Then, I headed back into the car, and kneeled down next to Cam after closing the side door slowly making sure not to wake him. I picked up his hand and began to wipe off the dry blood from his cut. It all went onto the cotton and I put the cotton in an old Stop and Shop bag I found in the back as well.
I grabbed the last two things I needed, and closed the First Aid Kit and put it back. I squirted a little bit of the antibacterial cream into a band-aid and placed the band-aid on his cut.
I laid down next to him once more and this time, I placed my hand in his face. It was just as soft as his hair. I ran my fingers down his cheek and felt the peach on what was beginning to be his mustache. Did he shave? Hm. I picked up his hand and rubbed it. It was really soft like what seemed and must have been the rest of him. Right as I began to place my hand on his chest, he opened his eyes and said "Boo!"
I jumped and backed up so it didn't look awkward. "Ah! Hi!" I said resting my hands in my lap. "I was just waiting for you to wake up."
"Mhm," he said grinning. "So then why is there a bandage on my hand?"
I smiled and shrugged my shoulders.
"Well, whatever you were doing woke me up," he said crawling towards me. "What are we doing here anyways. Where is here?" He asked.
"We fell down half way into Brett Creek," I said. "Don't move too much cause the next fall will kill us."
He carefully moved to the back seats and looked out the window. "Well, we should get going."
"Where do you think we're going to go, smart one," clearly my period was making my mood change.
He shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know but we can find a way."
"We could climb up that tree and see what's around us," I said climbing out the car and pointing to the tree. I didn't know how the small patch of land was even capable of holding up this car.
Cam followed behind me and I told him I had to do something first. "Don't look." I stood behind the car and changed my tampon. Thankfully, he had those tampons in his back seat so I stole one. I didn't want to suddenly get Toxic Shock Syndrome. It was definitely hard because we were in the woods, but I managed.
I walked back to Cam and he looked confused. "You all good, fam?" He asked concerned.
"Don't worry it's just Susan." Susan was the name I used for my period so guys didn't know what I was talking about. It was like a secret code.
"Susan? Susan who?"
"Don't worry she arrived a couple days ago." I walked up to the tree and began to climb it. I laughed inside because I could make so many Susan jokes that he wouldn't understand.
He followed behind me and we climbed to the top of the tree.
Once we reached the very top, I looked around. Memories flickered in my head again standing on this tree.
"Agh, how much longer is this walk?" I asked jumping off the tree and walking carefully down the steep steep ravine. "How am I going to make it out of here?" I saw the trail and the creek ahead and a weight lifted off my shoulders. Thank god. "I need to hurry before I begin to get too hungry or thirsty to live."
"We should head that way," I say pointing to the way towards town. "Or, if you want, we can try to climb back up the ravine."
Cam shook his head quickly and spoke. "You can lead the way, Cap'n."
"Alrighty then," I said climbing down and walking my way carefully down the beginning of the ravine.
    We had walked for about ten minutes when Cam began to complain. "I'm hungry."
    "Oh shut up," I said sternly as I stepped over the one hundredth rock I had seen. "Look," I said looking ahead of me. "There's Brett Creek! We're closer to town now I guess."
    We walked and walked and walked and walked. Once we finally reached town, we began to run to the end of Cedar Street and back home so we could feel safe once more.

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