•Chapter Twenty-Nine•

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    "Here we are," said officer Mike as he pulled up the car into one of the closest parking spaces. The hospital standing far above above me was representing my past. All of what I used to know was forgotten and brought here. And now, I knew almost everything I didn't when I was here only a couple days...okay a month ago or so.
    Mike came around and opened our doors for us. I had been locked up so long in my mother's basement, I couldn't even seem to open a fucking car door. I was so weak and that definitely wasn't a good sign. I tried to erase the thought of forgetting things and my amnesia, and stepped out of the car and smiled at Mike as he held the door for me.
    I thanked him and he closed the doors and locked the car as we began to walk away. The hospital was only a couple of steps away. Then, something seemed to forcefully kick in my stomach. I stood there for a minute trying to recuperate, and also gathering what amount of pain I just experienced.
    "What's the matter, Abby?" Asked Mike as he turned around realizing that I had stopped walking.
    "Something just felt like it kicked in my stomach," I said confused but also sounding very concerned.
    Julia laughed at me and I began to tilt my head. "What's so funny?"
"That's the baby, duh."
"Oh," I slapped my forehead and realized how dumb it was to wonder what a kick in my stomach was when I was pregnant. "Sorry," I giggled concluding my confusion. But that wasn't the only problem. And, I slowly began to realize that. Something seemed weird. I felt weird. Nothing seemed right. Then, out of the blue, something began to seem very moist. I looked down and saw a watery looking liquid below my feet. I felt better, but embarrassed thinking I peed myself.
"Oh shit.What is that?" I said backing away quickly.
My sister turned around and ran to me. "Your water is breaking!"
How could I be giving birth so soon? It had only been a month. If the baby came out it'd be very unhealthy and there may be something wrong. I panicked and my immediate reaction was to start breathing heavily. My amnesia seemed to be kicking in. Right when I thought it had been cured, it was all coming back. I always had this weird symptom where I would begin to see hallucinations and my whole past would quickly fly in my mind and go away and a pitch black world would flood me.
Before I knew it, I had passed out. Nothing but darkness colored my world, and my past cried inside me.

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