•Chapter Three•

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I lay crying and shaking after I get the news that my aunt has died due to a heart attack. The images in my mind of her dying right in front of my eyes an hour ago make me feel even worse. As I'm in the middle of my dramatic meltdown with my head rested in between my knees, I feel a light and fairly large hand land on my back.
I immediately twist my head upward to see Cameron, with a saddened look.
"I'm sorry about your aunt," he said keeping his hand on my back.
The feeling of his touch changed the way I ever thought about the death of my aunt. His hand on my back drew my attention away from her death, in fact. I felt comforted.
"Well I guess I'm a hypnotist," he said with a chuckle. That was when I realized I had stopped crying and his hand was coming towards my face. I blinked a couple of times as he drew his hand closer to my eyes and wiped the tears off my cheeks. "There," he said placing his hands on my shoulders now.
Tingles went up my spine and I remember shivering, as his hands began to softly run down my arms. We were both on our knees now and I rested my view into his eyes.
"By the way," he said changing his tone to a louder volume. "You can gladly call me Cam. I prefer it much more."
I pushed my hair behind my ears and blushed for absolutely no reason. "Yeah you can call me Abby."
"Well I would hope that's your nickname and not Ab or Abs....actually," he paused and had a handsome grin on his face. "I think I'll call you Ginger."
My eyebrows shaped into a confused look. "Why Ginger? That's not even close to Abigail or Abby."
"Because. You smell like gingerbread cookies," he said standing up and helping me up after.
"I hope that's a compliment."
"I mean it was intended to be one," he said closing his blue eyes and letting out another cute laugh.
"Fair enough," I said wiping off my butt from sitting on the dusty hallway floor.
I began to realize that now, there would be no one to live with. How was I going to pay the bills? How would I afford any food? There definitely wasn't enough money in our safe to afford anything expensive or extreme. Although I hadn't been living with my aunt for years, it would be strange knowing that no one was coming home but me, and that there never was going to be someone coming home. I sighed at the thought of being alone.
"What's that matter," asked Cam catching me in my long and somewhat depressing sigh.
"Oh...well I was just thinking about how I wouldn't have anyone to live with now that my aunt was gone. And, on top of all of that, I'm gonna have to work like three jobs to pay for everything."
"Oh. I can easily solve that," he said walking towards the elevator.
"What? How?"
"You can gladly live with me! Or I can live with you, either way. We could rotate between our houses."
Again, tingles ran up my spine at the though of living with a boy. Just me, and a boy.
"Oh...sorry if that's not what you want or if that makes you uncomfortable," he said tilting his head down at the ground.
"No no no! It's perfectly fine..I'm just not..great around..er..guys. Never mind living with one."
"It'll be fine," he said.
If by fine he meant sexual or really awkward, I wasn't really thinking of the word "fine". I guess this would be better than living alone.

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