•Chapter Thirty• (Cam)

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   I was becoming hungry quickly. I felt dry and I needed water as well. I had been feeding on apples, and occasionally a couple berries for the last month or so. I just kept walking. That's all I did. Every once in a while I'd stop and sit under a tree to catch my breath and let my body settle. I had absolutely no idea how the hell I was still alive, but I told myself everything would be alright and it pushed me forward. Every once in a while I'd come across a lake and I'd drink from it and I was always hoping I'd find more signs of life but it never happened.
It was awful to know that Ginger was probably dead by now seeing her mother was completely crazy, and it had felt like I had been here forever. There were days I would walk endlessly feeling like I was going to die any second. I survived though. This far anyways. I wasn't quite sure how long it'd been that I'd been trapped in this confusing world. I wonder if I was still in Ohio. That's where that man told me I was forever ago right? I couldn't remember. I was losing thought and was beginning to forget a lot. God please don't tell me I have amnesia, too. But, then again, that would be something Ginger and I would have in common.
    I decided that I would walk under a tree into the distance. Where I had started off this journey a while ago, I had no idea of its whereabouts. That disappointed me, but I needed water. And the tree in the distance may be close to a lake or stream. I wasn't even in the same terrain I was when I first got here and met that man. I wish I had asked him for help. If I had, I probably would've been home by now. Now, it was mostly forestry, but there were some parts of the area around me that were just flat land. What I was on now, was a small cleared hill, standing high over the forestry below me. I saw one tree, though, that was bigger than the rest, so I decided to head to it.
    Once I reached the tree, my surroundings seemed familiar. I continued anyway. There was no way I had been here already. Once I was at the tree, I realized that below me there a small creek below me. Although the terrain below me was very steep, I wanted to head down. I took my time even though I wanted the water badly, and tried not to fall. I made it down to the bottom, and cupped my hands and drank some water.
    Once I decided I had gotten enough water, I headed up a different way. I started to hear a noise. It sounded familiar so I decided to head towards it. It seemed to be on top of the hill. So, I walked up in the direction of it. But, before I could, I saw a large object on the top of the hill. Once I climbed up towards the object, I realized that not only was the sound louder, but that the object was a car. It looked extremely familiar. I observed it. I noticed that the sound was getting louder.
    I walked around the car and tried opening the back right door. It was unlocked, so I decided I would hop in to see if I saw anything. There was a jacket. A red one. It looked almost like...Ginger's jacket? Wait...was this my car?
    I fainted. Before I could fully close my eyes, the sound of a helicopter came close. I felt the car being lifted away, just like most of my past had been pulled away from my dusty, and foggy head.

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