•Chapter Seventeen•

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     We walk into Hollister and I breath in the smell. I don't know why but I've always loved the smell of Hollister. I immediately ran to the shorts and was very excited. This was my favorite store of all time and it made me so happy to be here. I had only been here at least twice but their clothes are amazing.
Cam giggled and followed slowly around me.
"You can go and look at the men's if you want, Cam."
    "Alright let's see what weird stuff they sell at your favorite store."
    I laughed and shook my head.
    I knew what I wanted so I picked out about five pairs of shorts, all different colors and shades, and a few shirts to match along with my summer bikini. It had been a while since I had gotten one so this would be great. Maybe Cam and I could go to the beach tomorrow all day and he could go to work at night like he had to.
I walked up to the counter meeting Cam there as well and smiled. I told him my whole idea about going to the beach and he was shocked.
"I had the same idea!" He said happily. "That's why I got these trunks."
Those would look hot on him.
"That would look goooood on you," Cam said pointing to all the clothes I picked out right I front of the cashier. I laughed.
"Alright alright."
"259," said the cashier.
I began to hand her my money but Cam interfered quickly and handed her his money. I should've expected that. "I'm not allowing you to pay for anything. You don't even have a job. Plus, this day is all on me."
I smiled and nodded understanding that that's all he wanted from me so I accepted.
We walked out of Hollister and decided where to go next.
"Why not Pink?" Asked Cam.
"Sure," I said as I started to walk towards the entrance. "I'll try to be quick but the lines can be pretty long so just stay out here or go to a store you want and meet me here after, okay?"
"Alright. Now don't get into too much trouble baby," he said waving playfully.
     I laughed and rolled my eyes as I walked into Pink. I grabbed a few bras and sweatshirts, and even a few thongs to surprise Cam with.
     About a half an hour later, I had finally paid for everything and met up with Cam outside the store. I had an entire bag full of things and he right away eyed them curiously.
     "Sooooo what did you get?"
     "Well maybe I'll have to show you later," I said walking forward and grinning.
"Alright well where would you like to go next dear."
"Why not make it your turn. Where would you like to go?" I asked trying to be the hierarchy in the situation.
"You wanna do what I wanna do?"
I nodded. "Of course I do baby."
"Alright then follow me," he said pulling my arm in another direction. "Close your eyes."
I did as he asked and I didn't bump into any walls or anything. I just got pulled wherever he was bringing me. I felt myself step into something and then a weird zero gravity feeling along with it. Must be in an elevator. I felt him bring me to whatever floor this was and I heard him talk to a man far away from me. I didn't open my eyes. I liked surprises.
He came back to me and told me to stay where I was.
It took about five minutes before he came back again. "Alright," he said with his hands cupping my head. "Open."
When I opened my eyes, I looked into Cam's, but they weren't facing me. His ears were turned towards me.
"Bah blam!" He said happily.
"What is it? I don't see anything."
"I got my ear pierced."
My mouth opened wide. For some reason, I loved it when a guy pierced his ears. I could always see Cam with an earring and him actually piercing it, somehow, it made my day even better. I jumped up and kissed him. "Ohhhhh Cam!"
He hugged me and kissed me while twirling me around. "That's not all. Close your eyes again." He pulled me somewhere else but this time it was much closer. We stopped only a short while after he began to pull me somewhere again.
    "Here we are!" He said excitedly.
    "This is the fitting room kiddo," I said giggling.
    "I know."
    He pushed me into the fitting room and stood outside. I walked into the door closest to him and closed the door behind me and locked it. "So what am I doing in here?"
    "I want to see you in that bikini. Duh."
    "Okay?" I said confused. "Don't judge my midsection."
    Cam laughed and spoke. "You're perfect. You have nothing to worry about. Plus, I've already seen all of you so I'd know that."
    "Nobody's perfect," I said in a smart ass tone.
    "To me you're perfect and that's all that matters."
    Well. He ended that I guess. Got nothing for that one.
    I slipped off my clothes and looked up to see a giant rectangular mirror right in front of me. Er. Awkward. I turned facing the door instead. I pulled up the bottom and put on the top, hooking it properly in the back. I turned to look in the mirror. Oh my god I was gaining weight. "You sure you want to see this?" I asked Cam from the fitting room.
    "Yes. Are you in it?" He asked.
    "Alright well come on. Model it for me."
     Without any other words, I opened the door and came out at first not showing any emotion, then I began to pretend to model it for him. He nodded with a grin and I twirled.
    "Come here," he said moving his finger back and forth.
    "Alright but only quick."
    He kissed me and let his hands find their way around my back. I pulled away when I remembered that we were in the middle of the mall fitting room. I walked back into the fitting room and put my clothes back on, putting the bikini back on its hook.
    When I walked back out with my clothes on, he held my hand again, and we decided to head for lunch. This day was awesome. I hadn't been in the mall for years because of my aunt. When I had gone, we had the best of fun. We would spend the whole day here. When Cam would have to leave for most of the night, it would suck.
    "How does Panera Bread sound?" He asked. That was my favorite restaurant of all time.
    "Hell yes!" I said way too excited over a restaurant.
    "Alright. What would you like?"
    I told him what I wanted and found us a table.
    When he came back with our food, we had a long conversation and went to a couple more stores after.

    "Alright, come out of the bathroom!" Said Cam in the hallway.
    I was feeling a bit odd again but I still modeled the bikini for him. We were headed to the beach like we had planned yesterday. He already had his trunks on and he was just waiting for me. I couldn't keep my eyes off them. They looked so good in him. I was, in a way, extremely addicted to Cam. I could see him in the corner of my eyes staring at my butt as I walked down the hallway and into the kitchen. I just ignored it and grabbed another one of those painkillers and we headed out the door.
    "Wanna drive?" Cam asked.
    "HAH no!"
    He laughed really hard and got into the driver's seat. I sat down in the passengers seat and looked back and saw all the beach stuff already in the backseat. I guess he took care of it all this morning after his car was dropped off.
    We drove rocking out to our favorite songs all the way to the beach.
    When we arrived, we literally just threw all of our stuff down on the ground and relaxed and had a great time together.
    Once we got back into the car to head back home at around four o'clock, the car wasn't silent just like before. We were listening to "Summer" by Calvin Harris when he turned the radio down all of a sudden. "I have something to tell you." He said blankly. Oh no. What was the matter.
    "What is it?"
    "Guess what."
    "I got you a job at Home Depot with me! Your interview is in two days. So not tonight but tomorrow."
    I just stared at him. Just stared. "You're joking."
    He shook his head. "Nope."
    "What's my pay?"
    "I get paid fifty bucks every two hours so about seventy five every hour. It depends on how long you work and how well you do."
    I relaxed and couldn't believe it. I was going to get paid and work with Cam on top of all of this.
    The rest of the ride home was silent.
    When we got home, Cam made dinner, and he ate quick, leaving me ten minutes later. He'll be back. Don't worry. I just pulled my phone out and started to scroll through Facebook. About five minutes later, I got a call. It said "Hospital." It was the name I assigned the hospitals contact to be. Why on earth were they calling. I picked up anyways.
    "Hello?" I asked concerned but not really giving a care.
    "Ah hello this is Dr. Brown. We found a little something that you might want to know about."
    "What did you find?" I was becoming nervous.
    "Abigail. You...you are pregnant."
    I hung up and sat there staring at the wall with no emotion. No wonder I was having morning sickness. It hadn't even come to either me, or Cam's head to use a condom. What the hell were we thinking? I walked over to the couch and typed in Cam's number. He picked up.
    "Miss me so soon?"
    "Cam. I'm pregnant and I won't be home until later okay bye." I hung up and made my way to the hospital, feeling my weak legs begin to stumble. I couldn't keep my balance. Stress and shock took over me and I collapsed to my feet right in front of Cam's house.

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