•Chapter Ten• (Cam)

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    I opened my eyes to the smell of mold. The air was musky and the smell of feet lingered around me. The room I was in was very dark and cold. I couldn't see anything and it was frightening me. Poor Ginger was probably looking all over for me. I was fine, wasn't I?
    Something sticky was on my mouth and I thought of all the possibilities of what it could be. I reached up to see what it was but my arms seemed to be stuck. I looked down with the best eyes I had inside me in this darkness, and saw that I was tied around what looked to be a chair. The rope that held me back onto it rubbed my wrists tightly. Where the hell was I? Now I was scared. Who hated me so badly that he or she wanted to tie me up?
    I tried hard to escape for about five minutes until I heard footsteps close by. Uh oh. What if it was whoever tied me up. I needed to pretend that I was still asleep like I was before. I closed my eyes and thought. Wait, was I asleep or was I knocked out? The thought of all of this happening without my knowledge made me even more nervous. Who hated me this much?
    I heard a door close. It must have been an old door because it squeaked as it was opened and possibly closed. Footsteps got louder meaning this person was getting closer. I kept my act up and managed to stay quiet. I closed my eyes frightened that this person would hurt me if they saw I was awake. The person walked up to me and I was able to hear his or her breathing. It was really heavy and it sounded like a man's breathing when he or she cleared their throat. Whoever it was didn't stay long because they walked out about five seconds later. I kept my eyes closed a little longer just in case. Whoever it was turned on a small light by the door so there was a bit more light now.    
     Visibility flew my way and I could see much more. It looked like I was in a dark room. Maybe a basement? I looked all around me and all there was was the door, a couple drawers in the corner, and what looked to be another chair. It was another captive. I stood up and bent down far enough so that I could walk a bit. When I placed the chair back down and was next to this person, their face was to the side. I turned a little to see what gender the person was. Male. What and why was he here too?
    He breathed in quickly and did so deeply waking from his sleep. I didn't pretend to be asleep. I sat there waiting for him to notice me.
    "Who...what. Who are you? Where am I?" He asked looking around and down at himself tied to the chair in confusion.
    "My name is Cameron Wood. You can call me Cam. I am seventeen and I woke up trapped here too. Who are you?" I asked the dark-haired man. He was somewhat tall and his hair was just cut so it was much shorter than mine. He seemed nice and I felt bad about how confused he was and that I couldn't help him to understand because I didn't either.
    "My...my name is Rich Moore."
"Wait," I said flatly. "Did you say Moore?"
"Yes I did. Why do you ask?"
"B-because my girlfriend's last name is Moore!"
He stared at me with the widest eyes of all time. "What is her first name?" He said louder than he probably should have.
"Her name is Abigail. Abigail Moore," I said happily.
"Tha-that's my daughter!"
I couldn't believe I was sitting next to Abby's father. Her long-lost father who ran away years before she ever begun officially living with her aunt.
"How do we get out of here? Where is here?" I asked hoping he would possibly know.
"I know how to get out, Cameron. Just follow along with me," he said grinning.
     I wasn't quite sure how he knew where we were already, or even how to escape, but I didn't bother to question it and did as he said.

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