•Chapter Eight•

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    When we arrived back at Cam's house, he immediately grabbed his home phone and called the police. All I heard him say was "our car is stuck in Brett Creek and we need it pulled out" so I assumed the whole conversation was about the car. When Cam got off the phone, he walked up to me and plopped himself onto the couch and looked at me. "So they said they'll get it out as soon as they can but they aren't sure when it'll be. So hopefully it'll be soon because I want my fucking car back," he said laughing and rubbing his head as if he were extremely stressed and trying to sound positive.
"Well," I said as I twirled my hair around my finger with a grin on my face. "In the mean time I have an idea."
    "What is it?" He asked tapping his hands on his calfs.
    "It's called Plead the Fifth."
    "Ah, what is that?" He asked tilting his head in confusion.
    "You have to ask me a question and I have to answer it one hundred percent honestly, and if I don't want to, I say Plead the Fifth and you win. The goal is to ask the person really personal questions so that they don't want to answer and you can win. Then, once I've answered your question, I ask you a question."
    "Oh. Alright sounds fun. You go first."
    Literally every time I played Plead with someone, they told me to go first. "Alright because I love personal as hell questions, if you could describe me in three words, what would they be and why?"
    "Well let's see here," he said starting off the first answer of the game. "Beautiful, sexy, brave. Beautiful because well, you're beautiful. Sexy because you turn me on. And, brave because you don't take shit and you just do it."
    My cheeks turned red and I spoke with a frail tone. "Okay your turn."
    "What were you doing to me before I woke up this morning?" I should've expected that question to come out of his mouth.
    "I was...well first, I fixed your cut and whatever. Then...well. Actually, firstly I ran my...uh...I ran my fingers through your hair and...then I fixed your hand and then I...placed my hand on your...your chest."
    "Why?" He asked in a cute tone.
    "That wasn't part of your question so I don't have to answer it!" I said happily.
    He sighed and I laughed. "Alright. My turn." I had a question lingering on the top of my tongue and I didn't want to ask it. But I guess he wouldn't mind answering. I wanted to win anyways. "What do you find the sexiest about me and why," I said grinning.
    "Well, you do have a nice ass," he said blankly.
    I just stared at him. He broke into laughter and I laughed hard with him.
    "No seriously though," I said stopping my laughter from continuing.
    "No I'm serious though," he said in a very flat tone. His laughter had diminished.
    "Why thank you Cam," I said laughing much more than before. I wasn't used to so many questions flooding into my brain. I usually had to think really hard of a question to ask. "You...you can go."
    "Do you like me?" He asked without any hesitation. I should've known that one was coming as well. I could tell the question was hanging off the edge of his tongue this whole time.
    "Er," I began shakily. Did I like Cam? I thought hard about it. I liked his hair, his personality, his laugh, his face, everything about him. But did I like like him. The real question was, should I plead the fifth? "No Cam," I said flatly. 
    He frowned and spoke. "Oh. Oka.."
    "I don't like you Cam."
    "I got the messa..."
    "I love you."
    He looked me in the eyes and just stared. His eyes made me feel secure.  
    "Really!" He said happily. "I-I mean. Oh. Really."
    I laughed and placed my hand on his shoulder. "Really."
    He looked so deeply into my eyes I felt like he was staring into my soul. I felt a new feeling I had never felt before. It was like a warm and happy feeling I couldn't quite understand. Everything about him made me feel safe and like I was in my own home even thought I wasn't. "Alright you go."
    "Alright." I already knew what I was going to ask. Just reverse the question, duh. "The real question here is, do you like me."
    His face turned red and he looked down in his lap. "I-I uh." He paused. I didn't know if he was going to say yes or no. It would be embarrassing if he said no, but it would also be awkward if he said yes. "I think..." he paused again. "I think. I think I do."
    "What is that a bad thing?" I said laughing my ass off.  
    "What? No! I just...I'm realizing now how much I really do like you."
    I stopped laughing due to his seriousness.
    "Abigail," he said seriously looking me in the eyes. Never had he ever called me by my full first name which is what shocked me.
    He moved closer to me and began to speak once more. "I have a question."
    "Okay. What is it."
    "Will you kiss me?"
    My stomach dropped. Sweat ran down my forehead and I felt it rise from underneath the skin on my palms. "Uh..."
    "It's okay if you don't want to I just..."
    I placed my hand on the lower back of his head and ran my fingers through his hair after I pulled him in to kiss him. Our lips synced into motion and his hands rolled up underneath my shirt. He kissed my neck a little and it felt as good as hell. Who knew Cam would be such a good kisser. This kid I had just met in the elevator two or so days ago. He brought his lips back up to my mouth and finished off with a more passionate kiss.
    "Hell, girl," he said to me. "More like heaven."
    I laughed and looked down blushing. Never did I think that the first person I would make out with would be with Cam.
    "Why don't you sleep with me tonight," he said laughing.
    I shrugged my shoulders. "Okay, but don't try anything." I grinned at him and he winked back.
    I took a hot shower and then put my pajamas on and brushed my teeth. I went to the bathroom and noticed that my period had finally ended so I took the hell spawn of a tampon out of me, wrapped it in toilet paper, and threw it in the trash. He did the same, minus the tampon bit, a little while after and we headed into the living room to turn the television off.
    He led me into his room. It was such a big room and his bed was ginormous. It was covered in blue sheets and it matched perfectly with the scheme of the rest of his room. It had to have been a queen sized bed because it could've fit two or maybe even three people. Instead of just hopping into bed, he turned on the television on the clothes drawer and walked over to the side of the bed where he watched as I hopped under the covers. Cam stood there like he was waiting for something.
    "Come on, hop in!" I said lifting up the covers on his side. "Is there something wrong?" I asked concerned.
    "What? Oh no, no I just can't believe how much I'm realizing now that I like you."
    "Well," I said calmly. "I guess you just can't help yourself can you?"
    He laughed and then stopped immediately. "Abby. Will you date me?"
    I stopped breathing for a second and my heart seemed to skip a beat. "Cam."
    "What's the matter?"
    "Of course I would," I said loudly reassuring him he got worried over nothing.
    We both laughed and he spoke again. "So will you go out with me?" He asked.
    "Uh, yeah!"
    "That. This is awesome," he said.
    I paused for a second and decided to ask serious question. "Cam, why were there pads and tampons in your trunk?" I was afraid he would say something I didn't want to hear. I wasn't sure exactly what.
    "For my other girlfriend," he said flatly.
    "What!" I yelled.
    "I'm just kidding!" He said laughing really hard. "My sister put them back there for when we used to go on road trips."
I took a deep breath in and let out an "okay" but it was probably too quiet for him to hear. I laid my head back onto the striped pillowcase and noticed that Cam was still standing up.
    "I actually have one last question," he said walking over to near the doorway to turn off the lights and coming back to the bed. "Would you eh, would you ever have sex with me?" He asked awkwardly.
    I paused. "Well I mean yeah you're my boyfriend, Cam." I started to think about all of the things I secretly wanted to do to him. Not just sexually, but in general. I was a virgin, if you didn't count all of the times I was raped as a little girl, and I was always afraid of sex. I wasn't really sure why but just the thought of how painful people say it is, and it was as a little girl, has always worried me since.
    "Well, that's good to know," he said as he pulled me closer. He started to kiss me like earlier, but this time the kisses were deeper, and noticeably more intimate. I started to feel his tongue make his way into my mouth and it collided with mine. I paused as some of my thoughts collected in my brain and forced me to speak.
"Wait, Cam," I said trying to catch my breath.
"What's wrong? I'm...I'm sorry I know this is too soon."
"No, no. Cam. I'm...I'm a virgin. I'm not sure if that matters to you but I don't know what I'm doing. When I was younger I was raped so I could get my mom's drugs but I try to forget that happened seeing I had absolutely no control or consent," I said slightly embarrassed wondering deep down if he would care.
"Baby," he said as he began to stroke my cheek. "I'm a virgin, too. And, even if I wasn't, I'd still have sex with you. And I'm so sorry that happened when you were such a young girl that's so fucked up. Let's just pretend you're a virgin, okay?" He laughed a little at the last part because we both knew that me being raped as a little girl wasn't at all consensual and I obviously in no way enjoyed it. And, this was the first time I was actually making love. It wasn't for drugs and I wasn't doing it for someone else's sake. For the first time I wanted to do this and chose to, and I was proud.
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath and it relaxed me. "It's okay. My virginity is your's as long as your's is mine," I said sweetly as he knot his fingers through mine.
He tilted his head towards mine so that our noses touched and looked me in the eyes. "God I love you so much, Abigail Moore. There's no one I'd rather lose my virginity to. And I can promise you that you'll enjoy it this time. I won't hurt you and I'll be as gentle about it as I can be because I never want to hurt you, Ginger."
I smiled when he did and it sent that same warm feeling through my body and all of a sudden I got this other feeling. One I had never felt. It made me feel like I could do anything, and that I should because I loved Cam so much. So that's exactly what we both did, because judging by the way we made love, he had that same feeling.
All of the dreams I had ever had of love had been driven to my view and in my sight. All of my hopes that I'd one day find a love to help me blossom and dance in the breeze with was here. All of it rushed through my mind at once and it had all seemed so clear at that moment. All of the thinking and pleasure made us both tired, and we fell asleep in each others' arms. As I drifted into a deep sleep, I could feel Cam's heartbeat slow down after such an exhilarating moment. Mine did the same and his slowing down to a normal speed caused mine to as well, and I closed my eyes and dreamt about nothing but Cameron Wood.

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