•Chapter Twenty-Eight•

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We arrived at the police station eventually, but I couldn't seem to understand what was wrong. There was clearly something weird about this whole thing and I couldn't figure out what. It felt as if someone was just watching us as we took every small step. I found Mike and immediately ran to him with a concerned look.
"Mike! Mike!" I said out of breath from running.
He turned and gave me a concerned look. "What's the matter Abby? Is everything alright?"
"No! My mother escaped prison and she captured us all again and I have a feeling she's aware and is following us here. I don't know where Cam went he could be anywhere please help!"
"So is this why I haven't spoken to you in so long?"
"What? It's only been a few days."  
     Mike looked at me like I was crazy and then placed his hand on my shoulder. "Abby. It's been about a month."
     All of us looked at each other in shock. That made the whole situation worse seeing Cam had been missing for longer than I thought. I knew it had been more than three days. "I-I guess so...I didn't realize it had been so long. We've been trapped in her basement eating soup every night waiting to know what night she'd come to kill us!"
"Woah, Abby," he said pointing to my stomach. "Looks like you ain't losing much weight."
I laughed for the first time in a while. "No, Mike, it's because I'm pregnant."
     My father turned and looked at me in shock. "You're what?"
      My sister obviously alrighty knew seeing she was my doctor but I guess she had never mentioned it to my father.
I shrugged my shoulders. "I told you I loved Cam, dad."
"So you had sex with him right when you met! Jesus Christ I'm getting old. You people will give me a damn stroke one of these days I swear."
"Wait," said officer Mike stopping all of us from this extremely awkward moment. "If you're pregnant, we need to check to see if you're healthy. This isn't a good scenario to be in when you're pregnant." I'm not going to lie he did have a pretty valid point, and it was something that had only come across my mind a few times.
"Wait Mike! Before we do anything or worry about me anymore, please can we try to find Cam?" I asked in a stressed out tone.
"When and where was the last time and place you saw him?" He pulled out a pen and pad of paper.
"Last time I saw him was...well a month ago and we were spending the night together like always."
"Okay is there anything else I should be aware of? Did you two have sex that night, did you see anyone or do anything that may have endangered your safety?"
"No, sir."
"Okay I'll observe this case and see if I can find any information on it. We are going to go to your mother's house and we'll arrest her and put her in jail for good, then observe a little bit in her house."
"Thank you so much Mike!" I said running up and hugging him. It had been so long since I had felt another body, other than of someone in my family. I smelled awful seeing it had been so long since I had showered but thank god I was safe now.
"Okay Abigail," Mike began lastly. "You and your family are going to be sent to the hospital, so that way you can recuperate and all, while we search for Cam."
"Alright follow me, everyone." He brought us to his cruiser and we hopped in and he drove us to the hospital.
Thank god I knew such a kind and generous man like Mike. I was so thankful.

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