•Chapter Fourteen•

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"Cam!" I yell running over to his hospital bed. "Are you okay?"
"Ah, ah, ah," said Mike holding me back. "He's asleep and he's not doing well you shouldn't wake him."
I nodded my head in agreement and backed up. There was a chair nearby so I lifted it next to his bed and sat there with my elbow on the bed and resting on my face. I stared at Cam for a very long time. His beautiful hair was rested to the side and his eyelashes were calmly rested on the bags underneath his eyes. He was clearly tired. I looked up and down his body. The medical tubes were attached to his inner elbow and the scanner showed that his heart was beating at a normal level. Good. His breathing seemed to be normal as well but he seemed to be breathing in very deep. Just like when we were in the car half way down Brett Creek.
Cam took a deep breath in and turned a bit to look my way. His eyes showed sympathy and love. "Ginger? Is that you?" He was clearly happy now that it was me.
"Yes!" I ran up to him in tears and hugged him. We shared a long kiss and I ran my fingers through his hair. "Are you okay? What happened!"
"This very scary man took me, and tied me up like he did to another man that was in this very dark room with me. Whoever this man was was about to leave after putting us in his car, when the police arrived. I don't know who this man was, but Abigail," he said laying his hand on my shoulder. "The other captive was...was your father. Rich Moore."
Well now I knew who my father was. Rich Moore. Rich Moore...Rich Moore...
I ran down the stairs to the sound of my father calling my name. Before he called me, all I could hear from my room, was the sound of my mother threatening and yelling at my father.
"Yes, father," I said looking up at his face to see only a scared look in his eyes.
"Run." That's all he said for a solid thirty seconds. "Your mother is going completely crazy and all she wants is her drugs. We are her Guinea pigs and I'd rather me suffer than you. Go run to your aunt's house. Now," he said in a whisper. There's nothing I wanted more than to respect my father's words. I nodded my head and walked towards the door.
    "Wait," he said holding up a sack full of goodies. "You may want this."
    "Thank you."
    He nodded his head and I walked out the door. As I reached the street, I heard my mother's voice yell at full volume. "Abigail Moore!"
    I ran. I just ran. My heart pumped a million miles a minute and after that, all I heard again was my mother scream again. "Rich Moore!" I turned and saw my father being chased by my mother behind me. But, she wasn't just chasing after him, she was also chasing after me. Once he was down, I would be too. I ran back towards my mother full speed after I saw her take down my father. She punched him and kicked him with all the strength she had inside her. His nose bled and bruises already began to show on his entire body.
    I ran up to my mother and she didn't even notice the fact that I was charging directly at her. I punched her full on in the nose with all of my might and she looked terrified. Her eyes seemed to turn red and it got me really scared. She tried to dodge at me but I walked a little to the side to avoid her anger. "Abigail you are so dead!" She yelled standing up from falling.
     "Mom! You need to stop being so abusive!" I yelled at her. There was no way I was going to make it out of here alive. No chance. I had to save my father though. That was my main reason for running back. There is no other reason that would make me want to come back to this haunted scene.
     I ran over to my father who lay silently on the ground bruised and bleeding. Literally everywhere. It seemed as if it was that way anyways. He was conscious and that was obviously a good thing. I helped him up and he spoke in a voice that sounded hurt. "Thank you. Now please, go to your auntie's house. Or else, I'll have to tell your mother that you ran away with drugs. Please. I just want you to be safe."
    He clearly meant it one hundred percent, but that didn't stop me from bringing him with me. "No. If I'm going, you're going with me too,"  I said fiercely.
     "Abigail, you are only nine. You can't possibly lift me up..."
     "Care to challenge that?" I asked picking him up from the ground. My father was frail and very light. He didn't eat much and it made a good ninety percent of his flesh just spaghetti. "Can you walk at all?"
     "I think I can," he said standing up a little shaky. "Alright let's go!"
     We ran as my mother tried to follow behind us. She couldn't seem to catch up which was good. We made our way to this very deep ravine to take a break. "Where are we?" I asked curiously looking down at the creek below us.
     "This is Brett Creek. This is where I met your mother. She was only a young girl, about eight years old, around your age. She loved to wander as a kid and I found her cold and alone one day and luckily, I was with my parents and they helped to get her out of the bottom of the creek. After that, we spent pretty much the rest of our childhood together. That's how what used to be such a great woman came into my life." He sighed at the thought of how his past with her was better than the present. "Wish I could turn back time. I would love to be with the same woman I was with years and years ago. There's good in her, I tell ya. She ain't a bad person. She just makes bad decisions. Her love for running away is what got her addicted to all those drugs." My father stood up and tried to ignore the fact that I was crying. He hated when I cried because he had to deal with my whining. "Oh stop that," he said angrily.
     Before I could respond, I heard something move in one of the bushes near by. "Dad." I pointed to the bush to signify that there was something stalking us.
     "Don't worry," he said. "It's probably just an animal."
     But I knew it wasn't. If you considered my mother an animal, then yes it clearly was an animal.
     "RICH MOORE!" my mother screamed jumping out of the bushes. She grabbed my father's neck and choked him so hard that he turned purple.
     "Mom! If you don't stop right now, I'm going to call the police!"
     She stared at me. With those same red eyes. They could scare literally anyone in her path. "Oh...what are you gonna do? Tell them I choked your father? Yeah because that's totally believable seeing you have absolutely no proof," she said releasing grip of his neck. This time, he was completely out. She was coming for me now. Another victim in her path.
     She grabbed my arms and pushed me into a tree nearby. I rolled onto the ground and landed right on the edge of the top of the ravine. If I moved any closer, I would fall. Fall down that one hundred-foot-deep ravine and into the rocky creek where all my bones would scatter.
     When I snapped back into reality, my mother had a cold, hard fist coming straight at my face. And all I saw was the same stars I saw in the night sky, except it wasn't night.

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