•Chapter Twenty-Four•

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"You're my sister?" I said loudly.
"Shhhh, yes. Don't yell or she's going to know you're up. If she does, she's coming here to shoot us all."
"Sorry, sorry. But, I thought you died in that car accident when I was young."
"Abby, I have amnesia, too and remember very little, but that along with my family members and now knowing about Cameron, is really all I do remember. We both developed amnesia because of our horrible past. In fact, I'm still suffering severely from it."
"It's strange, actually. I suddenly remembered almost everything when mom kidnapped me." I sighed at the overwhelming mood surrounding this whole situation. "There's a gun right there, I might as well just shoot myself."
Julia looked fierce just like my father. "Don't say that. Or do that. We can't loose you. You're really the only thing that could conclude close to a normal family. If we can get out of here that is."
My father looked angrily at Julia. She corrected herself. "B-but I know we can do it. We just need to stay quiet and do whatever she asks of us."
"But all she's going to ask for is drugs. That's really screwed up. I'm not going to do anything illegal for her."
"But you will. And it will be easy," Julia said easily proving me wrong. "If anyone sees any of us in public or in plain sight, mom will be brought into custody and we will be set free. So, just get her drugs if she wants them, and on your way out, simply and purposely go onto a different path to drag in people's attention so we can be saved."
She had a great plan. "Good idea. Gooood idea. What about the tracking devices? Don't we have tracking devices on us somewhere?"
"We do. For each of us it's somewhere different. Dad has his on his upper thigh. That way it's less noticeable for people because he always wears pants and if not, they're not tight shorts. And for me, mine is behind my ear, because I always wear my hair down, it's less obvious. Plus, they're very very small."
"Well," I said. "Where's mine?"
"Er...yours is under your boob. Your left one."
I slapped my forehead and looked down. "Are you serious?"
"Is there a way we can get these out or something?"
"Yes. There is a way. You can't get it out by yourself, but you can deactivate it without her acknowledgment."
"Well," I said questioningly. "How do I do that?"
"It deactivates in very very hot environments. It's on the outer layer of your skin, so if you're hot, so is the tracking device. The hotter it is, the more likely it will deactivate. As long as it's not too hot, you're good. In that case, it would melt and that would be bad seeing what it's made of is not supposed to flow through your blood stream."
"Alright. Well, what are we waiting for?"
We all looked at each other and grinned.
"Let's do this," said Julia.
"Why not give it a go?" Said my father.
Hopefully this would work.

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