•Chapter Six•

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The car stumbled down the rocky and steep hill with us inside.
"Hold on tight!" Cam yelled to me as I grasped the steering wheel as tight as possible.
I began to loose grip of the steering wheel, so I pulled my seatbelt as tight as possible. When I looked over, Cam began to unbuckle his seatbelt so he could grab his phone when it fell to the floor.
"Cam! What's more important...UMPH," I said as I hit the steering wheel a bit when we hit a large bump. "Your life, or your phone!"
"You don't understand," he said struggling. "I can't loose my phone!"
I shook my head angrily at him until I realized that he was falling into the back of the car. He literally flew into the back seat of his own vehicle as the car began to tip upside down. I went to reach for him when I realized that he wasn't responding to me or any motion around him.
"Cam?" I asked scared. "Cam! Answer me please!" I started to shake even more when I looked out the window to see that the car had stopped. We weren't at the end of the ledge though. We were only half way down the ginormous cliff-ledge thing. The car was stuck on what seemed to be a the branch of a very odd looking tree. The tree was very big and spooky, and it brought back even more memories. Had I been here before or something?
As I ran into the tree, I immediately blacked out because I hit my head so hard. All I saw was what looked like stars in the sky. It must have been night time. How did I not notice that it was night time? All I felt was the skinning of my knees, and extreme pain in my head and body in general. Then, my whole body went numb.
I wake up leaning against a tree. A gross, mossy, dead tree. It had lots of branches extending outward and one was on top of me. I picked it up and threw it to the side. I put my hands down to support myself and stood up. I shook a little when I stood up because I was having trouble staying balanced. I looked around to see what was around me and my surroundings. There was nothing else but the dead trees and a small creek underneath me about one hundred feet. The thought of falling farther scared me even more. The fall downward would probably kill me so I tried to stay calm. The only thing holding me up was the small piece of land I was standing on in front of the tree.
The cold made me shiver and the fact that it was night explained why it was so cold. I looked upward at the tree to see if there may be a way to get up to the top. I placed my foot down on top of the first branch expecting it to snap. It didn't so I continued my way up the tree.
Once I reached the top, I could see so much more. There were many other trees and they all showed a possible way to my aunt's house. I knew where she lived because this wasn't the first time I tried and succeeded in escaping my mother. Plus, I was used to being out. I did a quick three-sixty to see the other trees and possible escapes around me. If I went north, I would just be going even further into the woods. If I went east, it would lead me back to my mother's house. There was no way in hell I wanted to go back there. South, I saw that the Creek continued and a trail leading beside it. West, I saw the opening of town. I knew well where to go, but I didn't want my mother to try and find me and expect me going the same way I always do. I decided to go South.
I climbed my way into the back of Cam's vehicle to find him laying on his side. His hands were folded inwards and his eyes were shut completely. I put my head to his chest and heard his heart beat. So, thankfully, I knew he wasn't dead. I kneeled down careful not to make the car tip enough to fall off the cliff. I laid down next to him and hesitated on wether or not I should touch him. Not sexually, obviously, but just to observe.
I turned my head to face him and lifted my hand to touch his hair. It was surprisingly really soft. I ran my hands through his hair with my fingers. The color of my blue nail polish shone through the strands of his hair.
    I was tired. I needed sleep badly. My period had hit me like a truck a couple days ago and it was making me exhausted. Sucky timing. I decided that knowing it wouldn't be a bad idea to take a short nap, I rested my head on Cam's chest and fell asleep to the sound of his heartbeat.

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