•Chapter Nineteen•

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"Sweetheart wake up. You're at the hospital."
I looked up and saw the same woman hovering over me.
"Oh...okay." I opened my eyes fully and noticed that I was already in the hospital bed. Why on earth did she have to wake me?
"So why am I here?" I asked confused.
"Well," she said pulling a short and skinny woman into the room. "This very sweet lady saw you on the side of the road and called 9-1-1."
I looked up at her and she threw me an evil look. In a way, she seemed strongly familiar. I looked away slowly diving my eyes back into the direction of the nurse.
"Before we leave you, I just wanted to let you know that my name is Julia. You can call me whatever works best for you. Julia, Nurse, Nurse Julia. Whatever. I'll be back in just a moment with your papers."
She closed the door behind her and I was left alone in the sunny hospital room. I almost drifted into another sleep when my stomach dropped once more at the thought of Cam. Where was he? I was losing thought. Was this my amnesia taking over? How much had I forgotten? The last thing I remember was that he went to work, but it was night time. It's day time now so what had happened?
I looked around the room to see my surroundings. I saw a remote on the table next to me so I picked it up and flicked the tv on. Diners Drive Ins and Dives. Why not. Watching the cook at the restaurant make all of the food and Guy eat it made me really hungry. Even if it wasn't something I would usually eat. I hadn't even finished my dinner and it was...what time was it. Looking around the room once more, I saw a small circular white clock near the tv. I squinted. 8:34. So maybe it was night time. Surprisingly it was still sunny. I guess it was just the sun setting that brought the light through the curtains. I focused once more on the tv. Before I could really keep my eyes on the tv, I began to fall asleep once more. I was just so tired. I yawned at the thought of being tired and put my head back on the pillow. I couldn't take it anymore. I had to sleep. I fell asleep once more.
     I wake up to the sound of what seemed like fifty billion ambulances. What did I do this time? Before I could open my eyes, I realized something. I wasn't walking, but I was moving. I felt someone's hands on my back. Okay now I had to open my eyes. When I did, I saw that same lady that brought into the hospital room when Julia introduced herself. This was the lady that saved me by calling the police when she found me passed out on the side of Cam's house. If this lady saved me the first time, she's probably saving me from something now. I might as well just fall asleep again. I didn't feel like fighting my urge to sleep.
"Wake up Abby. Now!" I open up my eyes again to the same woman. I was becoming tired of her. Would she just let me be? I mean I know she was trying to be nice but I was tired as fuck.
     I tried to sound as nice as possible. But, before I could say something, when I sat up, I realized I wasn't in the hospital. I wasn't in my home. I wasn't even in Cam's home. All of the shattered windows were boarded so you couldn't see inside. Every piece of furniture was ripped, or so old that there was a layer of dust covering the top of it. "W-where am I?"
I looked her in the eyes and they seemed red evil. So evil that no one would want to look into them. They brought me back for a quick second for some reason. They seemed so familiar and like not one soul, even one with the highest level of amnesia, could forget them. "This is your home...sweetheart," she said grinning evilly.
Once she said that. All memories I had ever had flashed back into my head. All the things I knew were back. Everything forgotten, was here again. I immediately flew backwards and tried to run from her.
"Abigail get back here! You'll never escape me! You let your father leave, but there's no way I could ever let such a terrible child live thinking she did something clever. No, no, no. I can't let my own daughter think she's more clever than me. Now get back here!"
I kept banging into things around my mother's house. Things shattered and I slowly began to fall with them as fatigue took over my body. As I fell taking deep, heavy breaths, my mother stood over me with what looked like a roll of duck tape and covered my mouth. There was no hope. I closed my eyes and dreamt about all memories that had faded back, and that the mother that had been hidden in my own shadows, had officially pulled herself into my light. A light, I had never gotten a chance to see. A light, that shone the way to an unknown future. A light that brought evil.
A light that brought darkness.

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