•Chapter Two•

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     I grab my light red coat as I open the door to leave my aunt's house. I walked in front of the garage door and lifted it so I could get inside. As I searched the garage for my bike, my eyes crossed paths with my aunt's red Honda, which had been sitting there, dusty in despair ever since she was put into the hospital five years ago. I lightly wiped my hand alongside the back lights and drew a heart with my fingers, aligning the dust into the path in which my fingers were going. I sighed and shook my head out of past memories and wiped the seat of my bike. I slumped down onto the seat and held onto the handles as I lightly pedaled forward out of the garage. I hopped off my bike so I could close the garage and got on my bike and rode down the street to the hospital to see my aunt.
    "I'm here to see Claire Moore," I said to the lady at the help desk. I looked down to see that I may have slammed the desk a bit when I had spoken.
    "She's in room 431 today," she said writing the number on an orange sticky note.
    I thanked her and got into the elevator, carefully making my way positioned next to a young boy. He pressed the "4" on the number column and turned to me to look at my expression.
    "What floor?" He asked with a flat tone.
    "What?" Why was I so awkward around guys. "Oh, sorry, sorry, I'm headed to the forth floor as well."
    "Oh," he said happily. "What a coincidence!"
    Even though it really wasn't because there were only five floors in the hospital, I went with his earnest reaction to what I had said.
    "So why are you here?" He asked nervously tapping his feet on the elevator floor.
    "Oh. Er, well my aunt is dealing with some...unhealthy problems," I said.
    "Unhealthy? Well I would hope that's why she's here!" He said laughing holding his chest. His laugh was cute, but also really childish. "Oh...sorry if that hurt your feelings."
    "What? Oh, no it didn't," I said even though it really did a little. "So, why are you here?"
    "Well, let's just say that my father was bit multiple times by a raccoon that had rabies...it's kind of weird actually. My mom is here practically all the time with him so I'm never really with family," he said shrugging his shoulders.
    "Yeah," I said beginning to relate to him. "I've been living alone for five or so years now because my mom can't watch me. My Aunt pays the bills and stuff, and I just sit around doing really nothing. I don't have a father as far as I'm aware, and my sister died when I was five in a car crash." The thought of all of this just brought back all of the terrible memories I had of my family. Talking to this boy made me feel understood for once.
    The elevator dinged saying we were on the forth floor and the doors opened.
    "So," he said stopping me in my tracks.
    "Oh yeah! We're on the same floor!" I said snapping into realization as he followed me further down the hallway.
    "What is your name?" He asked.
    "My name is Abigail. Abigail Moore," I said with a small wave.
    "Cameron. Cameron Wood." He shook my hand and I began to sweat knowing that a boy was touching my hand.
    I stepped in front of my aunt's room and knocked on the door. When I turned around, Cameron had disappeared.
    I shrugged my shoulders as the nurse showed up in front of the door.
    "Hello, Abigail is it?"
    I nodded my head.
    "Okay well your aunt is in here for you to see today."
    I walked up to Aunt Claire to see her with her eyes barely closed as if she was half sleeping half dead.
    "Aunt Claire? It's me, Abigail!" I said tapping her upper arm.
    She turned to her side so she was facing me and a smile grew on her face when our eyes met. "Hi sweetheart," she said with a cracky voice.
    I stepped up closer to her and hugged her a bit too tight for her liking, but she didn't let go.
    "So you're turning sixteen in two days sweetie, what do you want for your sixteenth birthday?"
    I frowned and something upsetting grew inside me.
    "Aunt Claire, I turned sixteen two days ago."
    A gasp expression appeared on her face but she didn't gasp. Instead, she looked like she was about to get up and cry.
    "Oh my goodness I'm so sorry, sweetheart what can I do to make it up to you?"
    I shook my head. "Nothing. I don't want anything you know that."
    She sighed and laid back down in her bed.
    I walked to the door beginning to leave when she tried to speak again.
    "That's the age you're a woman in the Moore family," she said.
    My mom had been saying that ever since I was a toddler. "I know," I said with a laugh. I waved and closed the door quietly behind me.
    I only walked a little ways down the hallway when I saw Cam pop out of the door next to my aunt's room.
    "Oh!" He said surprised.
    "You're right next to my aunt's room!" I said happily. "Isn't that funny."
    "So I was going to ask you," he began to say. "What unhealthy problems does your aunt have?"
I paused. To be honest, I never really knew what actual problems my aunt had. Why she was in the hospital. What ever happened that day she called me and told me I would be home on my own until she got out of the hospital.
"Well I...I don't...I don't," I was stopped in my own speech when five or so nurses came running down the hallway in my general direction.
"Watch out kids!" One of the nurses said as she scurried towards us.
I looked behind me as they rushed passed us and headed into my aunt's room. I followed them quickly and watched as about what was now ten nurses were all in different places in the room. One at the sink, two near the benches, one near the shower, and what seemed to be about seventy-five percent of them in front of my aunt. I walked up to her bed to see that she was having serious trouble breathing and her heart beat on the scanner was getting slower and slower.
I panicked as I watched nurses scurry all over the room and my aunt dying right in front of me.
"Quick! Come on guys we can do it!" Yelled another nurse. They were struggling to keep her alive, and I didn't have a single clue of what to do. Little did I know, the companion I'd had since I was a child, the one who I'd sit and watch movies with late at night, and the one who comforted me and really kept me safe all my life, was gone.

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