•Chapter Four•

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"Here we are," said Cam pulling up to his lovely, modern home. I began to open the door when I came into realization.
"Wait," I said stopping him in his movement. "How old are you?"
He lifted his hands off of the steering wheel. "Why I'm seventeen! Why do you ask?"
"No it's just I thought you were younger and then I began to realize that you were driving me to your house."
"Yeah I'm seventeen. How old are you? If I may ask."
"Oh!" I said surprised but not surprised he asked me the same question. "I'm sixteen. I just turned sixteen a couple days ago," I said losing tension in my body.
"So...can you drive?" He asked with a grin.
"Er...well I could get a permit but I haven't really bothered to do so."
"Ah," he said nodding his head and locking the doors of the car as we stepped out.
"What was that for?" I asked curious about his reaction.
"Well," he said shrugging his shoulders. "I don't know really you're just an interesting girl."
Chills went up my spine once more as he low key complimented me.
"Thanks," I said blushing as I let out a small giggle. I never knew a guy would ever compliment me on being "interesting". If anything I thought I was the lamest person on the planet.
I tried to avoid the fact that I was starting to have romantic interests in Cam, and simply closed the door behind me after I walked into his house. The hallways were lined with a nice red carpet as if it he worked fifty high-pay jobs, and the couches were all made of 100% leather, with a giant flatscreen tv in front of them.
He sat me down on one of the leather couches and laid down next to me.
"So," he said twisting his foot around in circles, as it dangled off the edge of the couch. "What do you want to do?"
I paused at the thought now that I was capable of doing anything I wanted because Cam could drive, and from the looks of it had loads of money. "Well," I said picking up the remote on the brown, wooden coffee table. "Wanna watch some Netflix?"
"Sure! I love watching things on Netflix. What do you want to watch?"
"Have you ever watched the Hunger Games trilogy?" I asked now being the one with the grin on my face.
"No, actually I haven't. I've heard about it, though," he said blankly.
My mouth was wide open in the shape of a giant "o" in shock that he had never watched the trilogy before. "Then let's watch it!" I said a lot more loud than I had intended. "If that's alright with you."
"Oh! Sure, sure!"
I turned on the television and we sat there watching the Hunger Games trilogy for the rest of the day, and into the evening, and then into the night. As time passed, I began to realize that Cam's arm had found itself around my shoulder, and later around my waist. This time, I didn't really care about the fact that it was a guy. This guy was Cam and Cam was the boy of my dreams and I knew it, I could just feel it.
His eyes were still cracked open a bit, and mine were as well. I was tired. The clock said 2:17. It obviously wasn't the afternoon, so it had to be morning. I tried to keep my head up but I couldn't. I decided that I would just put my head down for a while. A couple seconds after my head had found somewhere to rest, I realized it was Cam's shoulder my head was on and I was too tired to lift my head back up. I felt Cam's hand reach up to my head and land on my hair. He ran his fingers through my hair with his thin, short fingernails. It felt so good that I fell asleep in only seconds. Although we weren't dating, it became easy for me to picture. As my eyes steadily closed, I heard the soft voice of Cam.
"Love you, Ginger," he said in a whisper.
I was laying on my back and I smiled with my eyes closed and drifted into a full sleep after he lightly kissed my forehead.

I woke up to the sun gleaming in my eyes from the front window and Cam in the kitchen banging dishes. I got up on my feet and put on the slippers that happened to be on the floor. I shrugged my shoulders and walked to Cam.
"You're welcome," he said not even turning to look at me. He was making food but I wasn't sure what exactly. "Those were my slippers and I left them there knowing you would slip them on when you woke."
I smiled thinking about how considerate he was. "So what are you doing up so early?" I asked curiously. It was only eight o'clock and I usually woke at around nine or ten. I yawned at the thought of getting more sleep and how nice it would be.
"Well. I was thinking it would be a nice day to go grab all your stuff from your aunt's house and go for a drive."
"Sure I don't see why not," I said shrugging my shoulders as I got a drink from the fridge.
"Alright then take the keys from the bin by the front door," he said pointing towards the door.
"Why am I taking the keys?" I asked.
"Well, you're driving right?"
I began to realize that Cam was going to try and teach me how to drive.

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