•Chapter Sixteen•

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That just completely changed my train of thought. I wake up to the moving of the bed beside me. When I open my eyes fully, I see that I'm back at Cam's house were we were...two nights ago? Yes? Sure. Immediately, my first thought was I had to go and find my phone. I left it behind when I went to the police department and I hadn't checked it since then. Before I could do so, I had to get up.
I stood up and stretched. When I did, my stomach began to hurt. What was this? I just let it go and walked out the bedroom door to the kitchen. I completely forgot to grab my phone because the pain in my stomach made me lose track of what I was thinking. I decided I would make coffee because why not. I hadn't had coffee in a while so alright.
I began to make it when the smell of the coffee when I opened the bag made my stomach hurt again. It made me sick to my stomach. What the hell was this. I set the coffee down and rejected the decision to make coffee. Why can't I ever make up my mind.
Instead of doing all this standing up, I made my way into the living room and plopped onto the couch. I flicked on the tv and turned on the Today show. The pain went away a little but not fully. Eventually, I noticed that nausea began to settle inside me and I officially determined that it was nausea the whole time. I wasn't on my period so what was this?
"Hey baby," said Cam walking into the living room. "How are you?"
"Do you have any Advil or something?"
"Yeah it's in the left hand cabinet."
I went into the kitchen and opened the cabinet door where the medications were and took the one that said stomach pain and nausea relief. Hopefully this would help.
I went back into the living room and sat back down on the couch where Cam was lying down.
I laughed. "What are you doing?"
"Come on over here baby," he said in a sexy voice.
"How bout no."
He looked upset and sat up immediately.
"Not right now. Maybe later. I'm sorry I just don't feel well babe."
Instead of doing what he wanted before, I put his hand over my shoulder and let it rest around me. This was better.
"It's no problem cupcake. So what do you wanna do today?" He asked happily. "Any ideas?"
"Whatever. I don't care."
"Well," he said with a quiet tone. "I was thinking that tonight we could have out first romantic dinner and see a movie and maybe a little something else after. For the day, what do you think about some shopping?"
I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't see why not."
Cam smiled and stood up to head into the kitchen. Please don't make me breakfast I am not hungry at all.
"What do you want to eat?"
Great. I won't be rude and just say I want something.
"I'll just have whatever you make me."
"No seriously," he said with a straight face. "What do you want to eat."
"Can I just have some scrabbled eggs and a small piece of toast please?"
    He nodded and banged around the dishes for about twenty minutes until he was finally done his masterpiece breakfast. "It's ready."
    I came to the table with no appetite whatsoever and gagged at the view of the eggs and toast. I forked some of the scrabbled eggs and the smell close to my nose made me gag again. It's not like he did a bad job making them, it's just my appetite was making things seem less delicious.
    I lifted the eggs into my mouth and when I did, I became hungry all of a sudden. I gobbled all of my food down very quick and thanked Cam for the meal. I have to admit he was a very good cook.
     "By the way," Cam stated while chewing his food. "The police rescued my car and got it fixed up and everything. My parents pay for everything so they're probably gonna pay for that. I'll have to pay them back eventually."
     I looked up and smiled at the good news. "Oh I'm glad that's awesome."
    We hopped into the car and drove to the mall. Cam wasn't one of those people to let the silence stay. Not let it start at all for that matter. "Ginger I gotta tell ya," he said keeping his eyes on the road. "You are very good at making love for being a 'virgin'."
    I blushed and snapped at him. "Stop it. And I swear, I'm a virgin."
    "I'm just saying. May I ask, how many boyfriends have you had?"
    Let me think. How many have I had. Not very many due to the family issues and being homeschooled for pretty much all my life. "None, really. I've been homeschooled. I haven't gotten the chance to meet anyone really."
    "Well you met me," he said grinning.
    "Yes but that was because of a totally different reason."
    He paused. "Yeah your crazy ass mother."
    True. I shrugged my shoulders at the significance that I met such a nice boy and began to date him so quickly. It only took about three days for all of this to happen.
    It got quiet for the first time since he had driven me home the first day I met him. "Cam. You're good at making love too," I said nervously. Well that came out randomly.
    "Why thanks. I guess having three hundred slutty girlfriends has helped with that!"
    I stared at him blankly in the eyes.
    "I'm just kidding! Kidding kidding!"
    "How many girlfriends have you had?" I asked as he pulled into the mall parking lot.
    "I have had a total of two now, but you were the first I did anything more than just kiss with."
    "What was your first girlfriend's name? How old were you two?"
    "Woah slow down," he said giggling at all of the questions I was throwing at him. "Her name was Teresa and we were both only thirteen. We were young don't worry."
    Wonder what happened in that four year time span. No girlfriend. I immediately felt special. Technically I was his first real girlfriend then.
    "I like that name. How'd you guys meet?" I asked as we walked into the building.
    "Well we just knew each other because of school. That's all. Also," he said grabbing my hand to hold it. "I just want to let you know, my summer job starts tomorrow night. I work at the Home Depot and my shift is from five to seven at night so. Just wanted to let that out so that was clear."
    "How long do you have to work for?" I asked concerned.
    "Just the summer. I have to go to school. Next year is my last year. Senior year. Looking forward to it. Then, I have to go to college the following summer. That'll be interesting."
    I nodded as we walked to the center of the mall.
    "So where do you want to go?" He asked me twirling his feet as he ran his fingers through my hair.
    "I have a couple ideas."

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