•Chapter Eleven•

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    I ran and grabbed my red coat from by the front door remembering that we stayed at Cam's house for the night. I had no choice but to run to the police department.
Once I arrived, a man in a bulky uniform was sitting behind the desk and he looked up at me when I walked up to him.
"Hello I'd like to help report something about the missing Cameron Wood," I said loud and proud.
"Have you seen him in the last twenty-four hours?"
"Are you in any way related to him?"
"Are you in a relationship with this boy?" He asked grinning.
"Yes, sir," I said proud again.
"Have you two gotten in to any sexual actions?"
"Yes..." I started to question why he was asking me such personal information.
"Alright Miss, when was the last time you two had sex?" He asked spinning his chair to his computer typing down what I said.
"Er...last night?"
"Is that a question?" He asked looking up from his computer.
"No. Last night," I corrected myself.
"How old are you and what is your name?"
"My name is Abigail Moore and I am sixteen years old."
He stopped blankly in his tracks. "What did you say your name was?"
"Uh...Abigail. A-Abigail Moore," I said afraid.
"You realize what the situation here is right?" He asked angrily.
"That one of your relatives is with your boyfriend meaning I don't give a shit about what you are reporting right now," he said shooing me off.
"But sir! I'm not ly-"
"You slept with Cameron, correct?"
I nodded.
"You had sex with Cameron, correct?"
I nodded once more and looked down to the floor.
"And your last name is Moore?"
"Y-yes sir."
"So your family member is with Cameron safe and this report was all just a joke?" He asked in a low voice.
"No sir!" I yelled. "You're misunderstanding what I'm saying! I never even noticed that...Rich Moore...with Cameron...wait that means..."
"Is there a problem here?" Asked a taller, dark-skinned man. He was a police officer as well and he must have been the boss because the other officer I was just talking to looked down in shame.
"Yes, sir there is," I said throwing a look to the other officer.
"What is it Miss?"
"I'm here to report information about the missing Cameron Wood and...Rich Moore."
"How do you know both of these men?" He asked.
"Cameron is my boyfriend and Rich is...I don't know but clearly he is some how related to me."
"How do you know he is related to you?" He asked tilting his head.
"Because my name is Abigail Moore."
"We can look all of this up on the computer, sweetheart. Follow me," he said walking me over to his computer.
I followed him to the other end of the hallway and into another room. He sat me down on the couch in front of his computer. He logged on and opened something that must have allowed him to find out about me.
"Abigail Moore, Abigail Moore," he repeated looking for my name. "Ah! There it is!" He turned the computer and I could clearly see my picture.
"How did you get that?" I asked curious.
"It's like at schools where they can access school pictures and grades of students. This is just your criminal record. Lucky for you, there's nothing on your's yet."
I breathed in a breath of relief. Good thing. Not like I have done anything wrong but it's good to know I haven't done anything without my knowledge.
"Don't get too excited, though," he said in disappointment. "We still have to view your parents'.
"Oh. Okay." What if my mom or dad's was really bad? What would happen?
"Just to let you know," he said clearing his throat. "My name is officer Mike but you can call me Mike."
"Nice to meet you Mike. You may save these peoples' lives and if you do it will really mean a lot to me," I said honestly.
"Well, it's my job!" That was true. "Here we go! Oh," he said in a saddened voice. "Your mother has quite a lot of bad records."
Oh no. That doesn't sound good.
"How many?" I asked awkwardly.
"A total of almost fifteen," he said pointing to the screen.
"Oh my. What's her latest? Can you read some of them please?" I asked in panic.
"Thank yo-"
"Forty-seven years old. Crashes car with oldest daughter and possibly kills her. No one can seem to find any information in the older daughter. Forty-seven years old, abandons youngest daughter after crashing car and again, possibly kills oldest daughter. Forty-eight years old. Orders divorce on husband, Rich Moore. Forty-eight threatens to kill sister. Forty-nine in jail for crashing car and disobeying divorce rights. Forty-nine. Chokes sister and it possibly kills her by giving her neck problems five years later. Fifty. Caught suspiciously walking around Brett Creek one night. Next day, two children missing, along with one man named Robert Hew. Fifty. Caught trying to break into a car caught half way down the Brett Creek ravine. Fifty. Caught by neighbors trying to break into a home, where no one but a boy and her youngest daughter are. And lastly that I'll read, two men missing suspected to be with her."
By the time he had looked up above his computer, I was passed out on the floor. Even though I had passed out, I had heard everything he had said.
My mom killed my sister on purpose. She left me there to die on purpose. My dad left on purpose. She was such a drug addict she went from wanting him, to not wanting him. She didn't want me living with Aunt Claire because she didn't like her and wanted to kill her, but also wanted me for her drug addiction. She choked my aunt because she knew my aunt had heart problems and a traumatic loss of breath and incident like this would kill her. She somehow knew where I was and that I was with Cam. She knew that someone else had me and loved me now, and followed both of us. She was there when we were stuck in the ravine. She was watching us.

She took.
Cameron Wood.
She took.
My father.

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