•Chapter Thirty-Three•

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2 Months Later

     "Alright I think that's the last of our stuff, Abby," hollered Cameron from outside our new home. Although it seemed as if all of the stuff from my past was going to be hard to forget, I was slowly beginning to forget most of it. The doctors at my new hospital here in Corinth, Vermont are very kind, and they told me that even though it seems as if I'm forgetting a lot, there's actually way more I'm beginning to remember and I don't even notice it. My father lives with my sister now a little ways away from me and Cam in Topsham, Vermont. My sister works at the hospital closest to their house, and Cam and I are going to be starting school in a couple of days. Although Cam was already enrolled in school when I met him, he's just as nervous as I am. I'm honestly not quite sure why, seeing I've never even gone to a school, as far as I'm aware, but he was a bit more shaky than me for a new start. To be honest, part of me was fairly excited for a fresh start and to meet new people, but another part of me was afraid I'd have breakdowns, or moments that reflected my past. Our new baby was with my sister for check-ups. My sister just loved to be like that. She loved kids more than anything, especially babies. My mother was in jail, and we were safe. The feeling of being safe had never felt so nice. Cam and I got new jobs at Walmart together, and although we didn't work full-time, we got enough money to pay for whatever we needed. Whatever we couldn't pay my father and sister helped out with. My father got a job as an elementary school teacher, and my sister found her new job at the local hospital.
     "Alright let's go get some lunch what do you say?" he asked hugging me from behind and kissing my neck.
     I let out a small giggle. "Okay babe. Where do you want to eat?" Cameron didn't really ever care where we went to eat cause he was a hungry guy who just wanted his damn food.
     "No, no, where do you want to eat baby."
      I hated when he did this as cute as is was. I took a deep, and turned around to let go of his hug and looked him in the eyes. "Get in the car and I'll choose a place. I think I have a good one."
     He paused as I walked ahead of him and got in the car. "Wher..."
      "You coming?" I asked with a sly grin on my face.
      He opened his mouth like he was about to speak with his finger in the air, then dropped it and just got in the car. He buckled up and then began to speak. "You know, Abby, you are one weird girl."
      "It's a gift," I said giggling once more. Is that the only thing this kid makes me do?
       "But you know what," he said stopping me from driving out of the driveway. He put his face up closer to mine, and whispered. "It's the best weird I've ever seen." He softly kissed my lips and began to laugh. "Are we gonna go or what kid?" He yelled jokingly. 
      I sighed and shook my head and let out a muffled laugh.
      A few minutes later, we pulled into the Walmart parking lot. "I'll be right back dear," I said closing the door quickly before he could question me.
      After about ten minutes, I hopped back into the car with a few bags of things, and placed them next to Cam's feet.
      "What's in the bag...."
      "Shh," I said stopping him. He probably thought I was crazy to be honest, but later he found out.
      I pulled up to the park, and pulled the bags from the car. Later, Cam felt himself following me, and it made me laugh how he began to just not even try to question me.
      I set the bags down at a spot, and pulled a blanket out of one of the bags and laid it down on the ground then sat down. He hesitated and then did the same. I pulled out the food I bought for us, and laid that down on top of the blanket.
      Cam began to realize that there was nothing better than spending time with me on a picnic, like we used to do when we were neighbors as kids. He looked up to me and smiled. Some of his smile was a bit of a grin, and some of it was cute as hell. "So, let me just break this down. Not only did you drive me around without crashing, you bought all of this, and drove us here, technically illegally seeing you don't even have your license, and now you are trying to make me want to kiss you?"
      The whole thing he stated was pretty accurate, especially the ending. I grinned and turned my head to the side away from him. "Maybe..."
      He laughed and pulled me to him. "Come over here cutie."
      He kissed me for a while and it was nice to not only feel the comfort of Cameron, but to know that on top of that, we were safe for once.
      "Let's eat I'm hungry as hell," I said after we finished our small make out session.
      "I'm hungry for you," he said coming closer to me.
      It made me laugh then I made a smart ass answer. "Well you'll just have to wait until we get home and actually use this condom I bought. And, then I can show you the thongs I bought months ago I never got to show you."
      He turned to me quickly and stopped eating his sandwich. "You bought a thong? And a condom?"
      "Nope," I said not letting my eyes meet his and grinning. "I bought five thongs. And five condoms."
      "Damn and I thought I was the horny one."
      I laughed at his surprised tone. "Hey, benefits of working at Walmart."    
      He continued eating his sandwich and laughed as he did so. We both did in fact, and it was one of the best feelings in the world to enjoy life again.
     I had never felt so happy to be living on Earth.

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