•Chapter Twelve•

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"You are realizing what this means," said Officer Mike after I had completely woken and snapped out of it.
"Y-yes sir I do." Of course I understood this. I understood everything now. Hopefully. Was there more to this? Was there more of a mystery to unravel about my own family? If there was I wanted to know it now before I have anymore problems with my own past. "My mother is crazy and now she's going back to jail and al that jazz," I said sadly.
    "No," Mike said annoyingly. "You might actually have a condition. A serious one. Let me ask you one question."
    I shrugged my shoulders. "Okay what's your question?"
    "Did you know or remember any of the things I just told you about on your mother's report? The ones you were involved in, that is," he asked tapping his fingers on his desk.
    "Nope. None of it. Why else would I have passed out?" I said laughing at the end.
    "Y-you might have a condition. Just like I said before. Let's just bring you to the hospital to check you out a bit, and we'll send a couple officers to your mother's house," he said standing me up and leading me out the door.
    He brought me out to his vehicle and made me hop in.
    Once we were on the road to the hospital, which I had no idea why we were going there for, I began to break the silence. "S-so what is my 'condition'?" I asked concerned.
    "I don't know honestly but there is a very likely chance you may have amnesia."
    I tilted my head in confusion. "What is amnesia?"
    "It's a condition that for one can't be cured unless you're told things about your past you don't remember, and it effects your brain. It's when you don't remember most of your past due to such traumatic experiences."
Well whatever this whole "amnesia" deal was, I sure as hell hoped I didn't have it.
Mike dropped me off at the hospital, checking me in before he did so, and left me sitting in the waiting room. Never did I think that in all the years of my life, would I be sitting in the hospital, with a possible condition I was unaware of, knowing parts of my past I had no clue of before.
I looked down at the rectangular table in front of me and saw that there were a couple magazines. I picked up Life Magazine and flipped through a couple of the pages. It was really boring me so I closed it and decided just to sit down and wait staring at the clock. 3:32. Wow this day was going by fast. I began to think about the fact that I hadn't even eaten anything at all today. Once that thought came to mind, my stomach growled. It sounded like a snarl for goodness sake. I thought about it for a little while until I heard a lady call my name.
"Abigail Moore," said the old lady behind the counter.
"That's me," I said raising my hand with a shrivel tone.
"Alright sweetie Dr. Brown will be waiting for you in room 224 which is up a level and to your left." She handed me an orange sticky note with the number on it and I walked down the hallway to the elevator.
When I hopped on, memories from only a while ago flew into perspective of meeting Cam on this exact elevator. Tears almost wet my cheeks before I stopped them from falling. No. You have to be strong. I told myself.
The elevator dinged and I walked to my left to room 224. When I reached the door, I knocked, and I heard someone say "come in." Instead of expecting it to be a female for some reason, it was a male voice.
"H-hi," I said shyly.
Dr. Brown walked up to me immediately without hesitation and shook my hand. He grabbed one of my hands with one of his hands and his other hand landed on the back of my shoulder. "Nice to meet you, Abigail! Do you mind if I call you Abby? What would you prefer?"
I shrugged by shoulders. "You can just call me Abby."
"Okay, well Abby, can you come and just sit here," he said pointing to the hospital bed.
"Yeah, sure." I sat down on the paper bed thing, and tried to sit up straight to look awake.
Dr. Brown opened a drawer next to the bed and pulled out a clipboard and slipped his papers on it. He pulled out a blue pen and rolled over a chair from the other side of the room. He sat down and got comfortable.
"Alright," he said taking in a deep breath. "I'm going to ask you a series of questions that I don't know the answers to. If you can remember them, that's good. If you can't, it's okay but that may be a sign of a condition."
    "Amnesia?" I asked sadly.
    "Mhm. Alright let's start with the first easy questions. Do you remember anything about your parents? Your mother's name? Your father's name?" He asked titling his head.  
    Did I? No. Great. The first question I don't know. "Eh...um...no I don't actually," I said looking down embarrassed.
     "It's okay," said Dr. Brown shaking his hand. "Do you remember your mother's facial appearance at all?" 
    Why did he have to keep asking questions about my parents. Why did he have to keep asking questions I didn't know.
    "I don't know. Again."
    "Aright. Do you have any idea to where your mother lives?"
    I actually thought hard about this one. Did I? Didn't I? Wait...yes I did. Didn't I?
    "I-I think so."
    "Are you unsure?" He asked.
    "Well, I was driving up Cedar Street the other day with my boyfriend and we passed this house and everything around it seemed to bring back...memories I guess," I said trying to elaborate my own thoughts.
    "Alright well I guess that's close enough," he said shrugging his shoulders.
    After about an hour of asking strange questions, Dr. Brown stood up, shook my hand, and told me to sit and wait for a minute so they could determine my results.
    I looked up at the clock and it said 4:27. I was so hungry. I could hear my stomach grumbling as if it were yelling at me to just fucking feed it.
    I heard a knock at the door. "Come in!"
    Dr. Brown walked in with a tray of food and hopefully results. On the tray there was a sandwich and a bag of chips. It made me so happy to see food.
    "Alright well we do have your results," he said in a low voice.
    "Well," I said picking up my food and putting it in my mouth. "How am I?"
    "Abby, you have amnesia," he said sadly.
    No! No no no no no no no! I couldn't have amnesia! There must be something I know. Come on Abigail. Think. But, I couldn't. I couldn't remember my past. I couldn't remember.

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